CasaFórumCompetições[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher!

[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher! (página 19)

 por Daniel
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O meu melhor presente é a vida, pois permite a cada ano desfrutar de cada natal com a família ...

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My most favorite and greatest gift for Christmas was the blessings of my amazing handsome son who unfortunately gets a little bit ripped off by having a birthday on Christmas but I can't be more happier I am just truly grateful for you Dawson Nicholas

O melhor presente que já recebi foi a camisa do meu time favorito

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What's your favourite team? 🙂


Fnatic, do you know? Is an E-sport Team


Oh, no. I thought you support some football team since you're from Italy 🙂


I don't like it, but yes Italian's people love that

Meu melhor presente de natal foi poder rever minha família meus pais depois de muitos anos e rever meus avós antes deles falecerem foi meu maior presente e nunca me esquecerei de tão especial q foi esse dia revendo minha família matando saudades deles



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Meu melhor presente de Natal foi há muitos anos, um iônico infantil que até meus filhos brincavam até o ano passado.

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Melhor presente foi ter trabalho

The Christmas present that undoubtedly made me the happiest was when my stepson decided to spend the entire day with me. Suffice to say that his mother was not of the best character. His biological father was worse. The relationship between Mindy & I deteriorated after year one, but I stuck it out for Nate. Why? I felt that the kid was too gifted athletically and intellectually to become another example of wasted ability. I am 110% serious when I say that I had to play mother and father for the 8 years of marriage to his mom. Every select baseball activity. Every parent-teacher meeting. Every ride here and there. Every night helping him with schoolwork. Sneaking out of work early to make his practices in games. To get him to school & social events. All of this on top of having a sales job where I worked 60+ hours per week.

His mother and I eventually got divorced, but Nate and I are still in touch almost every day. He plays college baseball and is on the Dean's List in college right now. He graduates in May with a degree in criminal justice, with a minor in sociology. I couldn't be prouder.

Just the fact that he decided to spend Christmas exclusively with me, made me realize that he really did appreciate everything I did for him growing up. All the sacrifices. All the time. All the money. All the effort. I didn't need a gift. His understanding of the dynamic in the household growing up was the best gift I could have received. I look forward to a great relationship with him for many years to come.


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I'm wondering, what are the best game for Nintendo Switch? I've never played any game on it.


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Olá🙂! Nunca me interessei por presentes que se compram com dinheiro ... Lembro-me de quando o meu parceiro me deu uma casquinha, fiquei tão feliz que voei direto. Faltava muito para o Natal. E ainda fico com o cone, o cone mais comum, mas para mim significa muito. Eu sei que é uma loucura, mas é a coisa mais maravilhosa que significa muito para mim ...

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The best Christmas present I ever received was in 2009 from, at the time, my two teenage daughters. When they were small we would go see Santa in the mall and I would sit on his lap too with them and he would ask me what I want for Christmas and year after year I would tell him I wanted a Pandaro bracelet Years went by and then this particular Christmas my daughters handed me a bag and the bag said Pandora. I was so emotional when I opened it and saw the bracelet with charms that they had chosen for me and that they were listening to me tell Santa all those years ago. I’ve worn it everyday since that Christmas.

A coisa mais linda para mim foi um sonho em que poderia dizer adeus ao meu pai pela última vez.

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Este natal foi o melhor que conheci novos amores

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O melhor presente foi um gatinho da minha infância.

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