CasaFórumDiscussão das ReclamaçõesBetPlays casino - Doesn't live up to its rating

BetPlays casino - Doesn't live up to its rating

 por djcentigor
2.300 visualizações 13 respostas |

Assunto: Reclamação sobre negação de prêmio Prezada equipe de suporte do BetPlaes Casino! Meu nome é Igor Glukhikh e meu apelido no seu cassino é DJCENT. ID: 12721673 Estou escrevendo para você sobre a negação dos meus merecidos prêmios no seu cassino. No momento, estou enfrentando os seguintes problemas: 17 horas atrás, recebi uma notificação de que ganhei o torneio diário de 20.000; no entanto, o prêmio ainda não foi creditado na minha conta. Tenho várias outras mensagens confirmando a conclusão da missão e depósitos bem-sucedidos, mas os prêmios e pontos correspondentes também não foram creditados. Estou anexando uma captura de tela das notificações relevantes para sua referência. Peço gentilmente que você explique os motivos da negação dos prêmios e tome medidas para creditá-los. filefile

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I would like to ask if there are people on the forum who play or played in this casino. What is the opinion of the players. Judging by the complaints, there are more negative reviews than good ones.

Question: As a player from Kazakhstan, if I face injustice from an online casino, can I expect a fair resolution of my complaint by the regulators? What are the chances of achieving justice through platforms like Guru Casino and AskGamblers, which offer opportunities to dispute casino decisions and help players protect their rights?

Answer: Unfortunately, the chances of obtaining a fair resolution from casino regulators for a player from Kazakhstan are indeed quite slim. There is an opinion that the AskGamblers platform, which at first glance seems to be intended to protect the interests of players, sometimes might shield dishonest operators and give them high ratings. For instance, in the case of BetPlays Casino, AskGamblers refused to assist with resolving my issues and continues to give this operator a high rating despite its questionable behavior.

Now, my last hope is with Guru Casino. Let’s see what verdict they will deliver. I would like to remind you that BetPlays Casino has treated me with disregard as a player, creating various difficulties both in receiving winnings and during the gaming process.

Case Summary:

A player from Kazakhstan reports the disappearance of 5,000 comp points and tournament winnings from his account at BetPlays Casino, asserting that he did not make any transactions related to their loss. The player requests an investigation to recover the stolen points and winnings.

Written by:

Nick, Complaints Specialist

Recently, I won a tournament and secured first place with a prize of 20,000 coins. However, shortly after, I encountered a serious problem: all my rewards suddenly disappeared, and I was removed from the loyalty program. It’s important to note that registration in this program was required to participate in the tournament, and if I had been excluded before winning, I wouldn’t have been able to enter.

It seems clear that after my victory, the casino found the prize amount too high and decided not to pay out my winnings. I believe this is unfair, as the prize was won fairly and in full compliance with the tournament rules. My exclusion from the loyalty program appears to be an attempt to avoid paying the legitimate winnings.

I request that you review this situation and take the necessary steps to restore my rights. I also hope to regain access to the loyalty program and receive all the rewards that rightfully belong to me.


Hi, I guess I'd start by saying that I doubt the casino will write you back here. If you're interested, you can check this thread right here: to see other gaming experiences. The casino hasn't replied there either, so I wouldn't expect a response in this case.

Anyway, about your situation, you wrote to the casino and still none of the prizes you were promised are in your account, yes ? According to the message you received, the first prize was 20,000 points ? Have you ever participated in a tournament and managed to win before ? 

I also see that you have a complaint, so let's see where the team gets us. I will wish you the best of luck to get everything sorted out and you get your points.


Yes, I regularly participated in tournaments and promotions, winning prize places. I used points for purchases in the store and was just steps away from obtaining VIP status. It seems the casino decided that the prize was too big for me and chose to strip me of my privileges rather than pay out the prizes I won.

I look forward to the verdict of your complaints team. I invested quite a lot of money in this casino, and I did not think that it would be a scam.


Thank you for your reply. So when you won a tournament, did you always get points normally or did you ever have a similar situation as now ?

I'm also curious how it all turns out and I'll definitely keep following it. 

I hope it will be solved.


Antes de ganhar vários torneios seguidos, tudo estava bem. Eu podia trocar meus pontos facilmente na loja.




Após receber a notificação de vitória no torneio em primeiro lugar, todos os pontos que ganhei desapareceram da minha conta e não recebi nenhum prêmio.

Minha recompensa pelo primeiro lugar no torneio é ser desconectado do VIP.

Este é o prêmio que este cassino me deu.

Obrigado pelo seu interesse. Também estou interessado em saber por que quanto mais jogo, mais perco o favor dos operadores de cassino.

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BetPlays Casino: Outra mentira

Você ganhou o 1º prêmio no nosso torneio Daily 20k!


21:42 | Abella do Como já lhe foi dito, isso significa que mesmo assistir a este torneio é um erro visual e você não ganhou nada.


esta é minha alucinação (Alucinação (novo latim hallucinatio < latim alucinatio - conversa fiada, absurdo, sonhos impossíveis) - uma imagem que aparece na mente sem um estímulo externo. Alucinações ocorrem com fadiga severa, consumo de álcool, algumas substâncias psicotrópicas e com algumas doenças mentais e neurológicas.)

Se você vê essas capturas de tela - então você também está doente. O operador BetPlays não vê

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I saw that Nick asked you about the history of, let's say, the comp . point history showing up somewhere. You wrote that the casino deleted it, so you had something like that in your account and could you see it if you got some more points? I also find it strange that you can't even see the deposit history. So we'll see what we can sort out and hopefully it will all work out. 

It's been two weeks since I submitted my complaint, and I still haven't received any response. Moreover, after two weeks of inaction, Guru Casino has changed the specialist handling my case, and now a different staff member is assigned. From what I understand, they haven't even contacted BetPlays casino yet. This kind of behavior raises serious doubts about their willingness to resolve the dispute fairly.

Agora vou prever o resultado dos eventos em relação à consideração da minha reclamação. Tempo suficiente vai passar, o Guru casino dará algum tipo de resposta não absurda. Então, quando eu tiver que responder, eles bloquearão meu acesso ao site e o caso será decidido em favor deste operador desonesto, já que o "jogador parou de responder perguntas sobre a reclamação", é assim que vejo os próximos desenvolvimentos

Traduzido automaticamente:

It's been two weeks since I submitted my complaint, and I still haven't received any response. Moreover, after two weeks of inaction, Guru Casino has changed the specialist handling my case, and now a different staff member is assigned. From what I understand, they haven't even contacted BetPlays casino yet. This kind of behavior raises serious doubts about their willingness to resolve the dispute fairly.

It happens very often that the complaints specialist is changed. Nick, who's been in charge of your complaint previously, is a part of the 1st response department. That means his job is to get some initial info, making sure that we have some decent basis for the case. Then there should be a point where the case gets transferred to another person who doesn't deal with so many cases at the same time (compared to the 1st response employees), but they can invest more time into dealing with fewer cases.

As you can see in your case, Michal already contacted the casino and he's waiting for their reply


Obrigado pelo esclarecimento. Passei duas semanas observando Nick coletar evidências e nem entrei em contato com o cassino. E durante esse tempo, o cassino apagou todo o histórico de impressão de todas as minhas vitórias em torneios. Tudo o que me resta são capturas de tela e cartas encharcadas de mentiras do cassino BetPlays. Onde eles me incentivam a investir dinheiro em seu site. E jurar amor eterno. E quando se trata de pagar prêmios que ganhei honestamente ao fazer depósitos, nem mesmo aceitei bônus, então eles me desconectaram do VIP por ficar em primeiro lugar


17h49 | Isabelle do Processamos como reembolso, pois era uma maneira mais fácil de processar os fundos para você.

Seus fundos serão refletidos em seu banco a qualquer momento a partir de agora, pois foram pagos por nós.

17h49 | Isabelle do Igor, isso não afetará seu jogo em nosso site.

Você ainda tem direito a receber bônus, pontos etc.

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05:49 PM | Isabelle from We processed it as a refunds as it was an easier way to process the funds to you. 

Your funds will reflect in your bank anytime from now as it has been paid out from our end.

05:49 PM | Isabelle from Igor, this will not affect your play on our website. 

You are still eligible to receive bonuses, points etc.

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