Bom dia e Feliz Ano Novo! Registrei uma reclamação e estou esperando uma resposta do Guru. Vejo que o prazo está passando e estou ficando ansioso... claro que ainda faltam 3 dias. Isso é bom ou ruim? Existe a chance de que os dias passem e eu não tenha uma resposta? Agradeço antecipadamente!
Good morning and Happy New Year! I have filed a complaint and am waiting for a response from Guru. I see that the timeline is passing and I am getting anxious... of course I still have 3 days left. Is this good or bad? Is there a chance that days will pass and I will not have an answer? Thanks in advance!
Καλημέρα σας και καλή χρόνια!εχω καταθέσει ένα παράπονο και περιμένω απάντηση από την guru,βλέπω πως το χρονοδιάγραμμα περνάει και αγχώνομαι…βέβαια έχω περιθώριο ακόμη 3 μέρες.Αυτό είναι καλό ή κακό ;;;υπάρχει περίπτωση να περάσουν οι μέρες και να μην έχω απάντηση;ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων!