Infelizmente fiquei perdido devido ao período de espera e perdi o dinheiro que tinha para sacar, o longo tempo de espera para o saque foi frustrante, o cassino tem uma abordagem antiética com o jogador, de acordo com o regulamento, o valor de 3964 deveria ser depositado como levantamento no prazo de 4 dias, o que está claramente descrito nos regulamentos com o limite diário de levantamento é de 1.200 euros 3x400 euros por dia, infelizmente o casino violou os regulamentos. E quando o primeiro levantamento correu bem e consegui fazer um levantamento de 1.200 euros, no dia seguinte já tinha o limite porque os levantamentos anteriores ainda estavam em curso, tentei contactar o casino infelizmente sem resposta, disse claramente várias vezes sobre violar os regulamentos, em troca recebi e-mails informando que era um problema com meu banco, como descobri, estava tudo bem no meu banco, depois de alguns dias o cassino gentilmente me enviou um cronograma de pagamento definido por ele mesmo, que disse que a cada 4 dias teria direito a pagamentos de 400 euros, dentro de 3 semanas após ganhar recebi apenas 1.600 euros, o casino trata o jogador de forma antiética, os limites e horários de pagamento que eles estabeleceram para si próprios têm pouco a ver com o regulamentos no site, também irei exercer os meus direitos na instituição para tal pretendido, já contactei e enviei todos os screenshots e conversas com o departamento responsável pelos levantamentos no casino, também desaconselharei a utilização deste casino em todos os fóruns, quando um jogador infringe os regulamentos de um determinado casino, ele é responsável, e se o casino infringir os regulamentos? Quem é então o responsável? Você está realmente aproveitando o Iwild Casino e frequentemente violando os regulamentos, espero que eles o observem mais de perto e você não engane ninguém novamente.
Unfortunately, I was lost due to the waiting period and lost the money I had to withdraw, the long waiting time for the withdrawal was frustrating, the casino has an unethical approach to the player, according to the regulations, the amount of 3964 should be deposited as a withdrawal within 4 days, which is clearly described in the regulations with daily the withdrawal limit is 1,200 euros 3x400 euros per day, unfortunately the casino broke the regulations. And when the first withdrawal went smoothly and I managed to make a withdrawal of 1,200 euros, the next day I already had the limit because the previous withdrawals were still in progress, I tried to contact the casino unfortunately no answer, I clearly said several times about breaking the regulations, in return I received e-mails that it was a problem with my bank, as it turned out, everything was fine in my bank, after a few days the casino kindly sent me a payout schedule set by itself, which said that every 4 days they would I am entitled to payments of EUR 400, within 3 weeks of winning I received only EUR 1,600, the casino treats the player unethically, the limits and payout schedules that they set for themselves have little to do with the regulations on the website, I will also pursue my rights in the institution for this intended, I have already contacted and sent all screenshots and conversations with the department responsible for withdrawals in the casino, I will also advise against using this casino on all forums, when a player breaks the regulations of a given casino, he is responsible, what if the casino breaks the regulations? Who is then responsible? You are really taking advantage of Iwild Casino and frequently breaking the regulations, I hope they will take a closer look at you and you won't cheat anyone again.
Niestety, zgubiło mnie okres oczekiwania i pieniądze które miałem do wyplaty przegrałem, długi czas oczekiwania na wypłatę był frustrujący, kasyno nieetycznie podchodzi do gracza , według regulaminiu kwota 3964 powinna zostać zdeponowana jako wypłata w ciągu 4 dni, co jasno jest opisane w regulaminie ze dzienny limit wypłat to 1200 euro 3x400 euro dziennie, niestety kasyno złamało regulamin , I gdy pierwsza wypłata poszła gładko i udało mi się zrobić wypłatę w kwocie 1200 euro tak kolejnego dnia miałem już limit gdyż poprzednie wyplaty nadal były w trakcie , próbowałem kontaktować się z kasynem niestety bez odpowiedzi, kilkakrotnie mówiłem jasno o łamaniu regulaminu w zamian dostawałem maile że to problem z moim bankiem , jak się okazało w moim banku wszystko było okej , po kilku dniach kasyno łaskawie wysłało mi harmonogram wypłat ustalony przez siebie gdzie mówił on że co 4 dni będą przysługiwać mi wyplaty po 400 euro , w ciągu 3 tygodni od wygranej otrzymałem tylko 1600 euro , kasyno podchodzi nieetycznie do gracza , limity i harmonogramy wypłat które sami sobie ustalają niewiele maja wspólnego z regulaminem widniejacym na stronie, swoich praw będę dochodzić również w instytucji do tego przeznaczonej, już kontaktowałem się wysłałem wszystkie screeny i konwersacje z działem odpowiedzialnym za wyplaty w kasynie, będę również na wszystkich forach odradzać korzystanie z tego kasyna , gdy gracz łamie regulamin danego kasyna wtedy ponosi odpowiedzialność, co jeśli to kasyno łamie regulamin ? Kto wtedy ponosi odpowiedzialnośc? Iwild Casino naprawdę wykorzystujecie i nagminnie łamiecie regulamin , mam nadzieję że przyjrza się Wam bliżej, I nie oszukacie już nikogo.
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