Olá, criei uma conta neste casino e recebi o bónus. Porém, a conta precisava de verificação, então enviei os documentos necessários. Embora a maioria deles estivesse bem, havia um documento essencial para confirmar minha localização exata que não estava correto. Tentei enviar várias vezes, mas fui bloqueado e não consegui enviar o documento revelando meu endereço. Entrei em contato com o departamento de suporte responsável em kyc@iWildCasino.com, mas ainda não recebi resposta. Eu apreciaria muito sua ajuda para resolver esse problema, por favor.
Hello, I created an account at this casino and received the bonus. However, the account needed verification, so I sent the necessary documents. While most of them were fine, there was an essential document for confirming my exact location that wasn't correct. I tried to send it multiple times but I was blocked and couldn't send the document revealing my address. I have been in touch with the responsible support department at kyc@iWildCasino.com but haven't yet received a response. I would greatly appreciate your help in resolving this issue, please.
Γειά σας έφτιαξα λογαροσμο σε αυτό το καζίνο και πήρα το μπονους μετά όμως χρειάστηκε επαλήθευση ο λογαριασμός έστειλα τα απαραίτητα έγγραφα.Μερικα ήταν όλα καλά αλλά ένα απαραίτητο έγγραφο το οποίο ήθελα την τοποθεσία μου διεύθυνση ακριβής τοποθεσίας δεν ήταν σωστό και το έστειλα αρκετές φορές και με μπλόκαραν και δεν μπορούσα να στειλω έγγραφο το οποίο θα ήταν εμφανής η διεύθυνση μου.μιλησα με το αρμόδιο τμήμα εξυπηρέτησης kyc@iWildCasino.com δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα κάποια απάντηση θα ήθελα την βοήθεια σας παρακαλώ πολύ να επιλυθεί το προβλημα.
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