Olá. Depositei 300 euros neste casino usando paypal. Ganhei algumas rodadas grátis e consegui acumular o suficiente para fazer um saque. Enviei todos os documentos exigidos, mas meu saque continua sendo rejeitado. Eles continuam pedindo um número de conta PayPal, mas como todos sabemos, não existe número de conta PayPal. Além disso, forneci a eles todos os meus dados do PayPal. Solicitei o saque via IBAN. No chat ao vivo, ninguém parece chegar à raiz do problema. Eles continuam insistindo na mesma coisa repetidamente. Algo parece suspeito aqui com este cassino. Após meu depósito, vi em seu site que eles não suportam paypal, embora exista a opção de depósito via paypal. Por favor, preciso da sua ajuda para concluir esta retirada.
Hello there. I have deposited 300 Euros into this casino using paypal. I won a few free spins and managed to accumulate enough to make a withdrawal. I have sent all the required documents, but my withdrawal keeps getting rejected. They keep asking for a paypal account number, but as we all know, there is no such thing as a paypal account number. Moreover, I have provided them with all my paypal details. I have requested to withdraw via IBAN. On their live chat, no one seems to get to the root of the issue. They keep insisting on the same thing over and over again. Something seems fishy here with this casino. After my deposit, I saw on your site that they do not support paypal, even though the option to deposit via paypal is there. Please, I need your help to complete this withdrawal.
Γει΄ά σας. Εχω κάνει 300 ευρω κατάθεση σε αυτο το casino με paypal. Kέρδισα κάποια free spins και τζιραρα το ποσο ώστε να κάνω ανάληψη. Έστειλα ολα τα απαραιτητα έγγραφα και η ανάληψη συνέχεια απορρίπτεται. Μου ζήτανε αριθμό paypal που όλοι ξέρουμε οτι δεν υπάρχει αριθμός λογαριασμού στο paypal και επιπλέον τους έστειλα ολα τα στοιχεία του paypal μου΄. Εχω ζητήσει ανάληψη μέσω ΙΒΑΝ. Στο live chat δεν βγαίνει συνενόηση επιμένουν τα ιδια και τα ιδια. Κατι μ΄ύριζει εδώ με αυτο το casino. Μετα την κατάθεση μου είδα στο site σας οτι δν υποστηριζουν paypal ενω υπάρχει ο τροπος κατάθεσης. Σας παρακαλ΄΄ω βοηθηστε με να κάνω αυτη την ανάληψη.
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