Depositei € 20 em dinheiro e não consigo retirá-lo. Diz que devo reproduzi-los enquanto nenhum outro site semelhante tiver essa restrição. Como eu disse uma farsa. Realmente todos os outros sites são melhores que este. Com transações mais rápidas e confiáveis. Além disso, os bônus que ele oferece ou você precisa colocar outro dinheiro para resgatá-los ou eles nunca lhe dão.
I deposited €20 money and I can't withdraw it. It says that I must play them while no other similar site has this restriction. Like I said a scam. Really all other sites are better than this one. With faster and more reliable transactions. Also the bonuses it gives you or you need to put in other money to redeem them or they just never give you.
Κατέθεσα 20€ χρήματα και δεν μπορώ να τα κάνω ανάληψη. Λέει πως αναγκαστηκά πρέπει να τα παίξω ενώ σε κανένα άλλο παρόμοιο σάιτ δεν υπάρχει αυτός ο περιορισμός. Όπως είπα μια απάτη. Πραγματικά όλα τα υπόλοιπα σάιτ είναι καλύτερα από αυτό. Με γρηγορότερες συναλλαγές και πιο έμπιστα. Επίσης τα μπόνους που σου δίνει ή χρειάζεται να βάλεις και άλλα χρήματα για να τα εξαργυρώσεις ή απλά δεν στα δίνουν ποτέ.