Bom dia,
minha conta foi totalmente verificada desde o dia 1. Isso foi em 20/11/22. Carreguei meus documentos e em meu perfil vi que a conta foi verificada com sucesso.
A última comunicação foi em 22/11/22. Claro, eu apelei da decisão. Recebi então o seguinte e-mail, também muito duvidoso e contraditório:
Prezado titular da conta,
Você sabe muito bem do que se trata. Não estamos dizendo que você tem mais de uma conta. Respeitamos o jogo limpo.
Coletamos todas as evidências necessárias para a conexão entre as duas contas "Vbeetle" e "Simon9119" (não estamos dizendo que você é uma pessoa).
Mais uma vez, leia nossos termos e condições:
Por favor, leia estes Termos com muito cuidado, pois eles formam um acordo legal vinculativo entre você - nosso cliente (o "Cliente") - e nós (o "Ditobet").
Ao usar, visitar e/ou abrir uma conta (a "Conta") e usar o Serviço, você concorda em ficar vinculado a:
estes Termos;
nossa Política de Privacidade (incluindo a Política de Cookies);
nossas Regras de Apostas (incluindo todas as regras aplicáveis aos nossos produtos de apostas ou jogos)
nossa política AML e KYC
Se você não aceitar os Termos, não use o Site. Quando você joga qualquer jogo ou faz uma aposta usando o site, você aceita e concorda em ficar vinculado às Regras que se aplicam aos produtos aplicáveis disponíveis no site.
2.5. Você só tem permissão para registrar uma conta na Ditobet. As contas estão sujeitas a encerramento imediato se for descoberto que você possui várias contas registradas conosco. Isso inclui o uso de representantes, parentes, associados, afiliados, partes relacionadas, pessoas conectadas e/ou terceiros operando em seu nome. Você pode ter apenas uma conta por pessoa, família, endereço residencial, endereço de e-mail, número da conta de pagamento, endereço IP, dispositivo móvel e/ou computador compartilhado, ou seja, biblioteca pública ou local de trabalho. Se tivermos boas razões para acreditar que você abriu várias contas com a intenção de fraudar a Empresa, reservamo-nos o direito de fechar todas elas imediatamente.
Na verdade, meu depósito de 222 euros só foi devolvido em 22/11/22, mas meus ganhos foram totalmente perdidos. A empresa ainda me deve 3700€.
Eu tenho jogado Blackjack ao Vivo desde 20/11/22 na maior parte do tempo.
Como já mencionado, não sou a única pessoa afetada que teve tais experiências. Você pode encontrar depoimentos idênticos no Trustpilot e não é coincidência. Li os relatórios depois, senão nunca teria jogado lá.
Good day,
my account has been fully verified since day 1. That was 11/20/22. I uploaded my documents and then in my profile I saw that the account was successfully verified.
The last communication was on 11/22/22. Of course, I appealed the decision. I then received the following email, which is also very dubious and contradictory:
Dear account holder,
You know very well what is all about. We are not saying you have more than one account. We respect fair play.
We have collected all evidence needed for connection between both accounts "Vbeetle" and "Simon9119" (we are not saying you are one person).
Again, please read our terms and conditions:
Please read these Terms very carefully as they form a binding legal agreement between you - our customer (the "Customer") - and us (the "Ditobet").
By using, visiting and/or opening an account (the "Account") and using the Service you agree to be bound by:
these Terms;
our Privacy Policy (including Cookies Policy);
our Betting Rules (including all rules applicable to our betting or gaming products)
our AML and KYC Policy
If you do not accept the Terms, do not use the Website. Where you play any game, or place a bet or wager, using the website, you accept and agree to be bound by the Rules which apply to the applicable products available on the website.
2.5. You are only allowed to register one account with Ditobet. Accounts are subject to immediate closure if it is found that you have multiple Accounts registered with us. This includes the use of representatives, relatives, associates, affiliates, related parties, connected persons, and/ or third parties operating on your behalf. You can have only one account per person, family, household address, email address, payment account number, IP address, mobile device and/or shared computer, ie public library or workplace. If we have good reason to believe that you have opened several accounts with the intent to defraud the Company, we reserve the right to immediately close all of them.
In fact, I was only refunded my deposit of 222 euros on 11/22/22, but my winnings were completely forfeited. The company still owes me €3700.
I've been playing Live Blackjack since 11/20/22 for the most part.
As already mentioned, I am not the only person affected who has had such experiences. You can find identical testimonials in Trustpilot and it's no coincidence. I read the reports afterwards, otherwise I would never have played there.
Guten Tag,
mein Konto wurde seit Tag 1 vollständig verifiziert. Das war der 20.11.22. Ich habe meine Dokumente hochgeladen und in meinem Profil habe ich dann gesehen, dass das Konto erfolgreich verifiziert wurde.
Die letzte Kommunikation erfolgte am 22.11.22. Ich habe natürlich Einspruch gegen die Entscheidung erhoben. Anschließend habe ich die folgende Mail erhalten, was auch sehr dubios und wiedersprüchlich ist:
Dear account holder,
You know very well what is all about. We are not saying you have more than one account. We respect fair play.
We have collected all needed evidence for connection between both accounts "Vbeetle" and "Simon9119" (we are not saying you are one person).
Again, please read our terms and conditions:
Please read these Terms very carefully as they form a binding legal agreement between you - our customer (the "Customer") - and us (the "Ditobet").
By using, visiting and/or opening an account (the "Account") and using the Service you agree to be bound by:
these Terms;
our Privacy Policy (including Cookies Policy);
our Betting Rules (including all rules applicable to our betting or gaming products)
our AML and KYC Policy
If you do not accept the Terms, do not use the Website. Where you play any game, or place a bet or wager, using the Website, you accept and agree to be bound by, the Rules which apply to the applicable products available on the Website.
2.5. You are only allowed to register one Account with Ditobet. Accounts are subject to immediate closure if it is found that you have multiple Accounts registered with us. This includes the use of representatives, relatives, associates, affiliates, related parties, connected persons, and/ or third parties operating on your behalf. You can have only one account per person, family, household address, email address, payment account number, IP address, mobile device and/or shared computer, i.e. Public library or workplace. If we have good reason to believe that you have opened several accounts with the intent to defraud the Company, we reserve the right to immediately close all of them.
In der Tat wurde mir nur meine Einzahlung in Höhe von 222 Euro am 22.11.22 zurückerstattet, mein Gewinn aber komplett einbehalten. Das Unternehmen schuldet mir weiterhin 3700 €.
Ich spiele seit dem 20.11.22 und größtenteils Live Black Jack.
wie schon erwähnt, bin ich nicht er einzige Betroffene Person, das solche Erfahrungen gesammelt hat. Im Trustpilot sowie auch bei Ihnen sind identische Erfahrungsberichte zu finden und das ist kein Zufall. Die Berichte habe ich im Nachhinein gelesen, sonst würde ich niemals dort spielen.
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