O jogador da Grécia solicitou a desistência mais de duas semanas antes de enviar esta reclamação. O jogador recebeu o pagamento e a reclamação foi encerrada como "resolvida".
The player from Greece requested a withdrawal more than two weeks prior to submitting this complaint. The player has received the payment, and the complaint was closed as "resolved".
O jogador da Grécia solicitou a desistência mais de duas semanas antes de enviar esta reclamação. O jogador recebeu o pagamento e a reclamação foi encerrada como "resolvida".
Boa noite. Tive um problema com este cassino em particular desde o início, escrevi apenas 2 reclamações. Do depósito mas também de alguns problemas que aconteceram durante o jogo. A primeira reclamação está aqui no site, apague a outra porque era sobre apostas. Do depósito, como escrevo detalhadamente na primeira reclamação onde fiz pelo neteller, eles não colocaram no site para mim imediatamente, mas me disseram que não podem e o dinheiro será devolvido à minha conta do neteller e depois pressões frequentes eles não devolveram, mas colocaram no meu site eles mesmos escrevem no método manual da minha conta. meu depósito via neteller ainda está pendente. a retirada deveria ter sido feita da mesma forma. Eu teria feito a inscrição por chat ao vivo ou e-mail e eles teriam tirado da minha conta no site e colocado na minha conta bancária. Enviei-lhes extratos de 2 bancos. Fiz o pedido no dia 15 de abril, tiraram o dinheiro do site, o saldo estava zerado e me enviaram um e-mail no dia 17 de abril que fizeram o saque e demora de 3 a 5 dias úteis para cair na minha conta bancária. Pedi a eles o comprovante do saque porque foi feito fora do local, mas eles nunca me enviaram e me disseram que o comprovante são os e-mails que eles enviam. No dia 25 de abril, nas comunicações que tivemos por e-mail, eles me disseram que o saque foi concluído por eles e que eu deveria verificar se eles têm o dinheiro inserido em minha conta. até 2 de maio, o que eu esperava, eles não haviam entrado (era um final de semana). Em 2 de maio, eles me disseram que tentariam novamente no outro banco que escrevi para eles. mas desta vez também enviaremos uma confirmação da retirada. hoje disseram que o fizeram na quarta-feira, demora mais 3 a 5 dias úteis para o dinheiro chegar, mas ainda não enviaram o recibo. porque eu tenho comunicação quase diária via e-mail, eu falo para eles mandarem pra mim que a gente manda tudo logo. E aqui vai ser igual ao primeiro saque e aí vão me sugerir outro caminho (falamos sobre alternativas como master/visa ecopayz astropay) vão ganhar tempo até eu ficar entediado e desistir. não se esqueça de dizer que, para fazer o primeiro saque, eles me pediram por e-mail para excluir o negativo. aviso da 2ª reclamação que fiz aqui. Eu tenho todos os seus e-mails. por favor, faça alguma coisa porque estou tão cansado da besteira deles.
Good Evening. I had a problem with this particular casino from the beginning, I have only written 2 complaints. From the deposit but also some problems that happened during the game. The first complaint is here on the site, delete the other one because it was about betting. From the deposit, as I write in detail in the first complaint where I made it through neteller, they did not put it on the site for me immediately but they told me that they cannot and the money will be returned to my neteller account and after frequent pressures they did not return it but put it on my site themselves writes to my account manual method. my deposit via neteller is still pending. the withdrawal should have been made in the same way. I would have applied via live chat or email and they would have taken them from my account at site and they would put them in my bank account. I sent them statements from 2 banks. I made the application on April 15th, they took the money from the site, the balance was zero and they sent me an email on April 17th that they made the withdrawal and it takes 3-5 working days days to get into my bank account. I asked them for proof of the withdrawal because it was done off-site but they never sent it to me and they told me that the proof is the emails they send. On April 25, in the communications we had via email, they told me that the withdrawal was completed by them and I should check if they have the money entered my account. until May 2, which I expected, they had not entered (it was a weekend). On May 2, they told me that they would try again at the other bank that I wrote to them. but this time we will also send a confirmation of the withdrawal. today they said they did it on Wednesday, it takes another 3-5 working days for the money to come in, but they still didn't send a receipt. because I have almost daily communication via email, I tell them to send it to me and we will send everything soon. And here it will be the same as the first withdrawal and then they will suggest me another way (we have talked about alternatives like master/visa ecopayz astropay) they will buy time until I get bored and give up. don't forget to say that in order to make the first withdrawal they asked me via email to delete the negative a review I made here against eightstorm.com got 2 likes in the short time before I deleted it they checked it because I had a warning from the 2nd complaint I made here. I have all their emails. please do something because I'm so tired of the bullshit their.
Καλησπέρα. Με το συγκεκριμένο καζινο ειχα πρόβλημα από την αρχή έχω γράψει αλλά 2 παράπονα. Από την κατάθεση αλλά και κάποια προβλήματα που έγιναν κατά την διάρκεια του παιχνιδιού. Το πρώτο παραπονο υπάρχει εδω στο site το άλλο το διαγράψετε γιατί αφορούσε betting. Από την κατάθεση όπως γράφω αναλυτικά στο πρώτο παραπονο όπου την έκανα μέσω neteller δεν μου την έβαλαν στο site άμεσα αλλά μου είπαν ότι δεν μπορούν και θα επιστραφούν τα λεφτά στο λογαριασμό μου στο neteller και μετά από συχνές πιέσεις δεν τα επεστρέψαν αλλα μου τα βάλανε στο site οι ίδιοι γραφει στο λογαριασμό μου μεθοδο manual.η κατάθεση μου μεσω neteller είναι ακόμα σε εκκρεμότητα.με τον ίδιο τρόπο έπρεπε να γίνει και η ανάληψη.εχω θα έκανα αίτηση μέσω live chat η email και αυτή θα τα επαίρναν από το λογαριασμό μου στο site και θα τα εβαζαν σε δικό μου τραπεζικο.τους εστειλα εγγραφα 2 τραπεζων.την αίτηση την έκανα 15 Απριλίου μου πήραν τα λεφτά από το site το υπόλοιπο μηδενίστηκε και μου στείλανε email στις 17 Απριλίου ότι μου έκαναν την αναληψη και θελει 3-5 εργασιμες μερες για να μπούνε στο τραπεζικό μου λογαριασμό. Εγω τους ζητησα απόδειξη τις αναληψης γιατι εγινε εκτος site αλλα δεν μου εστειλαν ποτε και μου είπαν ότι απόδειξη ειναι τα email που στελνουν.στις 25 Απριλίου στις επικοινωνίες που είχαμε μέσω email μου είπαν ότι από αυτούς ολοκληρώθηκε η ανάληψη και εγω πρέπει να τσεκάρω αν έχουν μπει τα χρήματα στο λογαριασμό μου.μεχρι τις 2 Μαΐου που περίμενα δεν είχαν μπει (μεσολαβούσε σαββατοκύριακο ).Στις 2 Μαΐου μου είπαν ότι θα ξαναδοκιμασουν στην άλλη τράπεζα που τους έστειλα έγραφα.αλλα αυτή την φορά θα στείλουμε και αποσειξη της ανάληψης.σημερα μου είπαν ότι την έκαναν Τετάρτη θελει άλλες 3-5 εργάσιμες μέρες για να μπούνε τα χρήματα όμως απόδειξη πάλι δεν στείλανε.επειδη έχω σχεδόν καθημερινή επικοινωνία μέσω email τους λέω να μου στείλουνε και όλο θα στείλουμε σύντομα.Και εδώ θα γίνει το ίδιο με την πρώτη ανάληψη και μετά θα μου προτείνουν άλλο τρόπο (έχουμε πει για εναλλακτικές όπως master/visa ecopayz astropay)θα κερδίζουν χρόνο μέχρι να βαρεθώ και να τα παρατήσω.μην ξεχάσω να πω ότι για να κάνουν την πρώτη ανάληψη μου ζήτησαν μέσω email να διαγράψω την αρνητική κριτική που έκανα εδώ εναντίον του eightstorm.com είχε πάρει και 2 like στο σύντομο διάστημα πριν τη διαγράψω το τσεκαραν γιατι τους ειχα προειδοποίηση απο το 2 παραπονο που εκανα εδω.εχω όλα τα emails τους.παρακαλω κάντε κάτι γιατί έχω κουραστεί αφάνταστα από την κοροιδια τους.
Querida blaugrana,
Muito obrigado por enviar sua reclamação. Lamento saber do seu problema. Por favor, permita-me fazer algumas perguntas, para que eu possa entender toda a situação completamente. Eu entendi corretamente que você solicitou a retirada em 15 de abril? Você já fez saques bem-sucedidos antes? Você poderia, por favor, confirmar que passou na verificação KYC?
Espero que possamos ajudá-lo a resolver esse problema o mais rápido possível. Muito obrigado antecipadamente pela sua resposta.
Dear blaugrana,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Do I understand correctly that you requested the withdrawal on April 15? Have you made any successful withdrawals before? Could you please confirm that you have passed the KYC verification?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Esta publicação foi tornada privada pelo Casino Guru, por conter informação sensível que não deve ser partilhada com terceiros.
Olá, hoje é o prazo para a segunda suposta tentativa de saque que eles fizeram na minha 2ª conta bancária (5 dias úteis) e é claro que o dinheiro não entrou. Enviei um e-mail para eles (o chat ao vivo deles não funciona há cerca de 10 dias ) eles me enviaram a mesma resposta com a primeira retirada malsucedida, desculpe. Vamos investigar e informá-lo. Eles provavelmente me enviarão um e-mail sobre outros métodos alternativos que sugeri ecopayz ou astropay e cartões Visa e Mastercard. Obviamente, para os 2 saques com falha acima, eles não fizeram nada a respeito e não enviaram um recibo para nenhum deles, mas apenas um e-mail. Estão ganhando tempo para eu ficar entediado e desistir e não enviar o dinheiro. Aguardarei ansiosamente até sábado pela sua resposta. Informarei outros sites semelhantes, bem como a acusação de crimes cibernéticos. Eles são grandes golpistas e vou reescrever meu comentário de que eles me fizeram excluí-lo para que possam retirá-lo. Repito a peculiaridade de que além do depósito, também fazem o saque fora do local por questões técnicas.
Hello, today is the deadline for the second supposed withdrawal attempt they made to my 2nd bank account (5 working days) and of course the money didn't come in. I emailed them (their live chat has not been working for about 10 days) they sent me the same response with the first failed withdrawal so sorry We will look into it and let you know. They will probably email me about other alternative methods I have suggested ecopayz or astropay and Visa and Mastercard cards. Of course, for the 2 failed withdrawals above, they didn't do anything about it and they didn't send a receipt to either of them, but only an email. They're buying time for me to get bored and give up and not send the money. I will anxiously wait until Saturday for your reply. I will inform other similar sites as well as the prosecution of cybercrime. They are big scammers and I will rewrite my review that they made me delete it so that they can withdraw it. I repeat the quirk that as well as the deposit, they also make the withdrawal off-site for technical reasons.
Γειά σας .σήμερα τελείωσε και η προθεσμία για την δεύτερη υποτίθεται προσπάθεια ανάληψης που έκαναν στο 2 τραπεζικό λογαριασμό μου (5 εργάσιμες ημέρες)και φυσικά τα χρήματα δεν μπήκανε. Τους έστειλα email (το live chat τους δεν δουλεύει εδώ και 10 μέρες περίπου) μου έστειλαν την ιδια απάντηση με την πρώτη αποτυχημένη αναληψη λυ πουμαστε Θα το κοιτάξουμε και θα σας ενημερώσουμε.πιθανότατα θα μου στείλουνε email για άλλες εναλλακτικές μεθόδους τους έχω προτείνει ecopayz η astropay η και κάρτες visa η Mastercard. Φυσικά για τις 2 παραπάνω αποτυχημενες ανάληψεις δεν έκαναν καμία γιαυτό και σε καμία από τις 2 δεν στείλανε απόδειξη αλλά μόνο email.κερδιζουν χρόνο για να βαρεθώ να τα παρατήσω και να μην στείλουνε τα χρήματα. Θα περιμένω με αγωνία μέχρι το Σάββατο την απάντηση σας.θα ενημερώσω και άλλα παρόμοια site άλλα και την διωξη ηλεκτρονικού εγκλήματοσς.ειναι μεγάλοι απατεώνες και θα ξαναγράψω την κριτική μου που με έβαλαν να την διαγράψω για να μου κάνουν την ανάληψη.επαναλβανω την ιδιόρρυθμια ότι όπως και την κατάθεση έτσι και την ανάληψη την κάνουν αυτοί εκτός site για τεχνικούς λόγους.
Obrigado pela sua resposta, blaugrana. Você poderia postar aqui uma captura de tela do seu histórico de retirada?
Você acumulou seus ganhos com ou sem um bônus ativo?
Além disso, se houver qualquer outra comunicação relevante entre você e o cassino, encaminhe-a para kristina.s@casino.guru . Alternativamente, você pode postá-lo aqui. Agradeço antecipadamente.
Thank you for your reply, blaugrana. Could you please post here a screenshot of your withdrawal history?
Have you accumulated your winnings with or without an active bonus?
Additionally, if there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru. Alternatively, you can post it here. Thank you in advance.
A retirada será feita por eles fora do site, como foi o caso do depósito que atrasou na entrada do site (essa é a primeira reclamação que já apresentei). Por motivos técnicos, está no site, meu depósito no neteller ainda está pendente e eles adicionaram o mesmo dinheiro no site com método manual. E para o saque, eles tiravam o dinheiro da minha conta e faziam eles mesmos fora do site. Acordámos através de uma transferência bancária para uma conta bancária. Eu tenho seus e-mails para suas 2 tentativas fracassadas de me conseguir o dinheiro. Eles afirmam que em ambas as tentativas o dinheiro saiu deles, mas nunca chegou à minha conta bancária. Enviarei os e-mails de contato para onde me enviaram que fizeram as duas tentativas de saque. Em ambas as ocasiões também peço comprovante de pagamento, mas eles não me dão, eles me enviaram, dizem que o comprovante são os e-mails. enviou a você 50 chats sobre seus 2 saques malsucedidos e também alguns problemas mais antigos desde a primeira reclamação. Muito obrigado pelo seu interesse. se você não recebeu todas as 50 conversas nossas por e-mail estou te enviando separadamente para as 2 retiradas, antes da primeira onde me fazem deletar aqui minha crítica negativa, por que não mandam comprovante de pagamento porque o e-mail é prová-los, o motivo é que eles farão a retirada fora do local e hoje seu último e-mail após as 2 retiradas falhadas. Faz quase 1 mês (17 de abril) desde o meu pedido de saque. Eles estão tirando sarro de mim
The withdrawal will be done by them outside the site, as was the case with the deposit that was delayed in entering the site (this is the first complaint I have submitted). For technical reasons, it is on the site, my deposit with neteller is still pending and they added the same money on the site with manual method. And for the withdrawal, they took the money from my account and would do it themselves outside the site. We have agreed through a bank transfer to a bank account. I have their emails for their 2 failed attempts to get me the money. They claim that on both attempts the money left them but it never came to my bank account. I will send the contact emails where they have sent me that they have made the two withdrawal attempts. On both occasions I also ask for proof of payment but they do not give me they have sent me they say proof is the emails.because they have not made any attempt to withdraw they are lying to me to get bored and give up.i have sent you 50 chats about their 2 failed withdrawals and also some older problems since the first complaint. Thank you very much for your interest. if you haven't received all 50 of our conversations via email I am sending you separately for the 2 withdrawals, before the first one where they make me delete my negative review here, why they don't send proof of payment because the email is proof them, the reason is that they will make the withdrawal off-site and today their last email after the 2 failed withdrawals. It is almost 1 month (April 17) since my withdrawal request. They are making fun of me
Την ανάληψη θα την κάνουν αυτοί εκτός site όπως έγινε και με την κατάθεση που καθυστέρησε να μπει στο site(είναι το πρώτο παραπονο που έχω υποβάλλει).για τεχνικούς λόγους υπάρχει μέσα στο site η κατάθεση μου με neteller είναι ακόμα σε αναμονή και αυτοί προσθέσανε τα ίδια χρήματα στο site με manual μέθοδο. Και για την ανάληψη πήραν τα χρήματα από το λογαριασμό μου και θα την έκαναν οι ίδιοι εκτός site .έχουμε συμφωνήσει μέσω τραπεζικού εμβάσματος σε λογαριασμό τραπέζης. Έχω τα email τους για τίς 2 αποτυχημενες απόπειρες τους να μου βάλουν τα χρήματα. Αυτοί ισχυρίζονται ότι και στις 2 προσπαθείες φύγανε από αυτούς τα χρήματα αλλά στους τραπεζικους λογαριασμόυ μου δεν ήρθαν ποτέ.θα στείλω τα email επικοινωνίας όπου μου έχουνε στείλει ότι έχουνε κάνει τις δύο προσπαθείες ανάληψης.εγω και στις 2 φορές ζητάω και απόδειξη πληρωμής αλλά δεν μου έχουν στείλει μου λένε απόδειξη είναι τα email.γιατι δεν έχουν κάνει καμία προσπάθεια ανάληψης μου λένε ψέματα για να βαρεθώ και να τα παρατήσω.σου έχω στείλει 50 συνομιλίες σχετικά με τις 2 αποτυχημενες ανάληψεις τους αλλά και για κάποια παλιότερα προβλήματα από το πρώτο παραπονο. Ευχαριστώ πολύ για το ενδιαφέρον.αν δεν έχεις πάρει και τις 50 συνομιλίες μας μέσω email σου στέλνω ξεχωριστά για τις 2 ανάληψεις, πριν την πρώτη όπου με βάζουν να διαγράψω την αρνητική κριτική μου εδω, το γιατι δεν στελνουν απόδειξη πληρωμης γιατί είναι αποδειξη το email τους , το λογω που θα κανουν την ανάληψη αυτοι εκτος site και σήμερα το τελευταίο τους email μετα τις 2 αποτυχημενες τους αναληψεις.1 μήνας είναι σχεδόν (17 Απριλίου)από το αίτημα ανάληψης μου.με κοροϊδεύουν
Bom dia Desde ontem enviei muitos e-mails para eles sobre o que faremos com a retirada e agora eles não estão respondendo. grandes golpistas
Good morning Since yesterday I have sent them many emails about what we will do with the withdrawal and now they are not responding. Big scammers
Καλημερα Από εχτές τους έχω στείλει πολλά email τι θα κάνουμε τελικά με την ανάληψη και πλέον δεν απαντούν. Μεγάλοι απατεώνες
Boa noite. Em relação ao meu problema de abstinência. ontem eles responderam a um dos muitos e-mails e pediram documentos de extrato de minhas 2 contas bancárias mostrando que o dinheiro não foi depositado por eles porque eles afirmam que em ambos os 2 saques que fizeram deles o dinheiro. Enviei-lhes os 2 últimos onde claro mostram que não recebi nenhum quanto 444 euros de ninguém. Os documentos cobrem suas supostas retiradas. Volto a enviar e-mails para eles sobre o que vai acontecer agora com a retirada e novamente não respondem. Claro porque os saques estão fora da minha conta no site deles por motivos técnicos eles não fizeram nenhum e estão tirando sarro querendo que o tempo passe e eu desista. Vou esperar pela resposta você ansiosamente.
Good Evening. Regarding my withdrawal problem. yesterday they responded to one of the many emails and asked for statement documents of my 2 bank accounts showing that the money has not been deposited by them because they claim that in both the 2 withdrawals they made from them the money. I sent them the last 2 where of course they show that I didn't receive any how much 444 euros from anyone. The documents cover both their supposed withdrawals. I send them emails again about what will happen now with the withdrawal and again they don't answer. Of course because the withdrawals are outside of my account on their site for technical reasons they haven't done any and they are making fun of wanting time to pass and me to give up. I will wait for the answer you anxiously.
Καλησπέρα. Σχετικά με το πρόβλημα της ανάληψης μου.χτες απάντησαν σε ένα από τα πολλά emails και ζήτησαν statements έγγραφα των 2 τραπεζικών μου λογαριασμων που να δείχνουν ότι δεν έχουν κατατεθεί τα χρήματα από αυτούς γιατί ισχυρίζονται ότι και στις 2 ανάληψεις που έκαναν από αυτούς έχουν φύγει τα χρήματα. Τους έστειλα τα 2 τελευταία όπου φυσικά δείχνουν ότι δεν έλαβα κανένα πόσο 444 ευρώ από κανέναν.τα έγραφα καλύπτουν χρονικά και τις 2 υποτίθεται αναληψεις τους. Τους ξαναστελνω emails τη θα γινει τώρα με την ανάληψη και ξανα δεν απαντουν.Φυσικά επειδή οι αναλήψεις είναι εκτός απο το λογαριασμό μου στο site τους για τεχνικούς λόγους δεν έχουνε κάνει καμία και κοροϊδεύουν θέλοντας να πέρασει χρόνος και να τα παρατήσω.θα περιμένω την απάντηση σας με αγωνία.
Boa noite novamente, estou escrevendo o comentário acima caso não tenha sido entendido. Eles me responderam em um dos muitos e-mails que enviei para ele e me pediram extratos das minhas 2 contas bancárias porque afirmam que nos 2 saques que fizeram deles o dinheiro saiu normalmente também não os chamo de golpistas porque eu tenho foi financiado por seu cassino irmão globalodds no passado.
Enviei-lhes os últimos extratos onde os seus levantamentos são cobertos a tempo e mostram que não recebi 444 euros de ninguém. Em seguida, enviei a eles vários e-mails sobre o que faremos agora com minha retirada e eles não responderam. Eles encontram maneiras de ganhar tempo para que eu fique entediado e desista. é claro que, como escrevi antes, eles não fizeram nenhum saque desde o dia 2 e é por isso que não me enviaram nenhum recibo deles apenas um e-mail. Aguardarei ansiosamente pela sua atualização.
Good evening again, I'm writing the above comment in case it wasn't understood. They answered me in one of the many emails I've sent to him and asked me for statements of my 2 bank accounts because they claim that in the 2 withdrawals they made from them the money left normally also not i call them scammers because i have been bankrolled by their sister casino globalodds in the past.
I sent them the latest statements where their withdrawals are covered in time and they show that I did not receive 444 euros from anyone. I then sent them several emails about what we will do now with my withdrawal and they have not responded. They find ways to buy time so that I get bored and give up. of course as I have written before they have not made any withdrawals since the 2 and that is why they have not sent me any receipt from them only an email. I will wait anxiously for your update.
Καλησπέρα ξανά γράφω το πιο πάνω σχολιο μήπως δεν έγινε κατανοητό.Μου απάντησαν σε ένα απο τα πολλά email που του έχω στείλει και μου ζήτησαν statements των 2 τραπεζικών μου λογαριασμων γιατί ισχυρίζονται ότι στις 2 αναληψεις που έκαναν από αυτούς εφυγαν τα χρήματα κανονικά επίσης να μην τους λέω απατεώνες γιατί μου έχουν βάλει χρήματα στο παρελθόν από το αδελφικό τους καζινο το globalodds.
Τους έστειλα τα τελευταία statements όπου καλύπτονται χρονικά οι αναλήψεις τους και δείχνουν ότι δεν έλαβα 444 ευρώ από κανέναν.τους έστειλα μετά αρκετά email τι θα κάνουμε τωρα με την ανάληψη μου και δεν έχουν απαντήσει. Βρίσκουν τρόπους για να κερδίζουν χρόνο ώστε εγώ να βαρεθώ και να τα παρατήσω.φυσικα όπως έχω ξαναγραψει δεν έχουνε κάνει καμία ανάληψη απο τις 2 και γιαυτο δεν μου έχουν στειλει καμία απόδειξη από αυτές πάρα μόνο email .θα περιμένω με αγωνία την ενημέρωση σας.
Muito obrigado, blaugrana, pela sua colaboração. Vou agora transferir a sua reclamação para o meu colega Stefan ( stefan.m@casino.guru ) que estará ao seu dispor. Desejo-lhe boa sorte e espero que o problema seja resolvido de forma satisfatória em um futuro próximo.
Thank you very much, blaugrana, for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Stefan (stefan.m@casino.guru) who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Boa noite e muito obrigado pelo seu tempo se for permitido por mais motivo é possível a transferência e também a terceira renovação?
Good evening and thank you very much for your time if it is allowed for more reason is the transfer and also the third time renewal possible?
Καλησπέρα και ευχαριστώ πολύ για το χρόνο σας αν επιτρέπεται για πιο λόγο γίνεται η μεταφορά αλλά και η τρίτη ανανέωση χρόνου;
Querida blaugrana,
Lamento saber que sua retirada ainda não chegou até você. Entrarei em contato com o cassino e tentarei resolver o problema o mais rápido possível.
Agora, gostaria de convidar um representante do EightStorm Casino para participar desta conversa e participar da resolução desta reclamação.
Prezado Cassino EightStorm,
Você poderia informar por que o saque do jogador ainda não foi pago e quando ele pode esperar o pagamento?
Agradecemos antecipadamente por fornecer as informações.
Dear blaugrana,
I am so sorry to hear your withdrawal hasn't reached you yet. I will contact the casino and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Now I would like to invite an EightStorm Casino representative to join this conversation and participate in resolving this complaint.
Dear EightStorm Casino,
Could you please state why the player's withdrawal has not yet been paid out and when he can expect the payment?
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Kind regards,
Muito obrigado novamente pelo interesse. Eu tenho uma grande pergunta o que eles vão responder. Se eles disserem que deixaram os valores nas 2 tentativas supostamente malsucedidas de saque, devem me enviar os comprovantes de pagamento deles, mas também aqui na discussão. Não é algo difícil.
Thank you very much again for the interest. I have a big question what they will answer. If they say that they have left the amounts on the 2 supposedly unsuccessful attempts to withdraw them, they should send me the payment receipts from them, but also here in the discussion. It is not something difficult.
Ευχαριστώ πολύ και πάλι για το ενδιαφέρον.εχω μεγάλη απορία τι θα απαντήσουν. Αν πούνε ότι έχουνε φύγει από αυτούς τα ποσά στις 2 υποτίθεται αποτυχημενες προσπαθείες ανάληψης τους να μου στειλουνε αλλα και εδω στην συζητηση τις αποδείξεις πληρωμής από αυτές.δεν είναι κάτι το δύσκολο.
Agora acabei de tentar entrar na minha conta e eles mudaram a senha. Eu tento na categoria (esqueci a senha) coloco meu e-mail e meu número de celular e ele me envia um otp no meu celular eu escrevo e me dá um otp errado. Eu fiz isso 3/4 vezes e enquanto estou escrevendo o otp que eles enviam, ele me mostra uma mensagem otp errada. Se eu colocar apenas o e-mail e não meu celular, ele ainda me envia um otp para o celular e não um e-mail. Eles mudaram o processo porque no passado eu mudei a senha da minha conta 3/4 vezes quando fui para a categoria (esqueci a senha) para corrigir nova só tinha email, sem celular. Coloquei meu e-mail, eles me enviaram um e-mail com o link, executei e coloquei as novas senhas. Não aceitou minha senha original, mas também a alteração no processo (você esqueceu a senha) que só me envia otp para o meu celular e não mais e-mails e o otp que eles me enviam quando escrevo me dá um erro otp enquanto o que eles enviam é definitivamente a sujeira deles para que eu não tenha acesso à minha conta. e é possível que tenha acontecido hoje se você enviou a eles algo relacionado ao meu problema. 100% nenhum deles participará desta discussão. Grandes golpistas.
Now I just tried to enter my account and they have changed the password. I try in the category (forgot the password) I put my email and my mobile number and it sends me an otp on my mobile I write it and it gives me a wrong otp. I did it 3/ 4 times and while I'm writing the otp they send it shows me a wrong otp message. If I put only the email and not my mobile, it still sends me an otp to the mobile and not an email. They have changed the process because in the past I have changed the password on my account 3/4 times when I went to the category (forgot the password) to fix new only had an email, no mobile phone. I put in my email, they sent me an email with their link, I ran it and put in the new passwords. It didn't accept my original password, but also the change in the process (you forgot the password) that it only sends me otp to my mobile and no more emails and the otp that they send me when I write it gives me an error otp while what they send is definitely their dirt so that I don't have access to my account. and it is possible that it happened today if you sent them something related to my problem. 100% none of them will participate in this discussion. Big scammers.
Τώρα μόλις δοκίμασα να μπω στο λογαριασμό μου και έχουν αλλάξει τον κωδικο πρόσβασης.δοκιμαζω στην κατηγορία (ξέχασες τον κωδικό )βάζω το email μου και το κινητό νούμερο μου και μου στέλνει otp στο κινητό το γράφω και μου βγάζει λάθος otp.το έκανα 3/4 φορές και ενώ γράφω το otp που στέλνουν μου εμφανίζει μήνυμα λάθος otp. Αν βάλω μόνο το email και όχι το κινητό μου πάλι μου στέλνει otp στο κινητό και όχι email.εχουν αλλαξει την διαδικασία επειδη εχω αλλάξει στο παρελθόν 3/4 φορές το κωδικο στο λογαριασμό μου όταν πήγαινα στην κατηγορία (ξέχασες των κωδικό )για να φτιάξω καινούργιο είχε μόνο email οχι και κινητο. έβαζα το δικό μου email μου έστελναν email με το σύνδεσμο τους τον έτρεχα και έβαζα τους καινούργιους κωδικούς.το να μην δέχεται τον αρχικο κωδικο μου αλλα και η αλλαγή στην διαδικασία (ξέχασες τον κωδικό)ότι μου στέλνει μόνο otp στο κινητό και όχι πια email και το otp που μου στέλνουν όταν το γράφω μου βγάζει λάθος otp ενω ειναι αυτο που στελνουν είναι σίγουρα βρωμιά τους για να μην έχω πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό μου.και είναι πιθανό να έγινε σήμερα αν τους έστειλες εσύ κάτι σχετικό για το πρόβλημα μου.100% κανενας από αυτους δεν θα συμμετάσχει σε αυτη την συζήτηση. Μεγαλοι απατεωνες.
Bom dia, hoje colocaram o dinheiro na minha conta neteller após 1 mês do meu pedido. Eles definitivamente fizeram isso após sua intervenção, muito obrigado novamente. Ele pode encerrar minha reclamação.
Good morning, today they put the money in my neteller account after 1 month from my request. They definitely did it after your intervention, thank you very much again. He can close my complaint.
Καλημέρα σήμερα μου βάλανε τα χρήματα στο λογαριασμό μου στο neteller μετά από 1 μήνα από το αίτημα μου.Σιγουρα το έκαναν μετά απο δικοί σας παρέμβαση ευχαριστώ και πάλι πάρα πολύ. Μπορεί να κλείσει το παραπονο μου.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Boa noite. Também escrevi no post acima, 6 dias atrás, que eles colocaram o dinheiro em mim. E provavelmente aconteceu com sua primeira intervenção. Quero agradecer mais uma vez e encerrar a reclamação ok
Good Evening. I also wrote in the above post 6 days ago that they put the money on me. And it probably happened with your first intervention. I want to thank you again and close the complaint as ok
Καλησπέρα. Έχω γράψει και στο πιο πάνω post πριν 6 ημέρες ότι μου βάλανε τα χρήματα. Και έγινε μάλλον με την δικιά σας πρωτη παρέμβαση .θέλω να σας ευχαριστήσω και πάλι και να κλείσετε το παραπονο ως ok
Querida blaugrana,
Fico feliz em saber que seu problema foi resolvido com sucesso. Agora marcarei a reclamação como 'resolvida' em nosso sistema.
Obrigado pela sua cooperação e, por favor, não hesite em contactar o nosso Centro de Resolução de Reclamações se tiver algum problema com este ou qualquer outro casino no futuro. Estamos aqui para ajudar.
Dear blaugrana,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
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