há uma semana
1700 euros mas é a fraude que me está a deixar louco porque não consegui verificar e levantar e nunca me informaram e fecharam a conta sem me informarem e devolverem os depósitos e agora não tenho contacto porque fecharam a conta
1700 euros but it's the fraud that's driving me crazy because I couldn't verify and withdraw and I was never informed and they closed the account without informing and returning the deposits and I have no contact now because they have closed the account
1700 ευρώ αλλά είναι η απάτη που με τρελαίνει γιατί δεν μπόρεσα επαλήθευση και ανάληψη και δεν ενημερώθηκα ποτέ και κλείσανε τον λογαριασμό χωρίς ενημέρωση και επιστροφή των καταθέσεων και δεν έχω επικοινωνία τώρα γιατί έχουν κλείσει τον λογαριασμό