Reabrimos esta reclamação conforme solicitação do jogador.
E-mail do jogador:
Olá Casino-Guru! Eu só queria dizer que tudo terminou bem no caso do Holdn'spin Casino, levou algum tempo e então, por acidente, vi que havia um e-mail aqui que parecia uma mensagem de olá Jessica, você se lembra e cliquei nele, dizia Caro sr. ou sra. Marko etc. e que eles têm € 2.000 do meu dinheiro, pediram para enviar os papéis normais e o dinheiro entrou na conta. Pensei que a porcaria do cassino pertencia a uma rede maior e ninguém teria jogado nesses cassinos. Mas realmente termina bem, etc.
We've reopened this complaint as per the player's request.
Email from the player:
Hi Casino-Guru! I just wanted to say that everything ended well in the case of Holdn'spin Casino, it took some time and then by accident I saw that there was an E-mail here that looked like a hello Jessica, you remember message and I clicked on it, it read that Dear mr. or mrs. Marko etc. and that they have €2000 of my money, asked to send the normal papers and the money came into the account. I thought that the Casino crap belonged to a bigger chain and no one would have played at those casinos. But it really ends well, etc.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the player’s request.
Email from the player:
Moi Casino-Guru! Halusin vain kertoa että loppu hyvin kaikki hyvin siinä Holdn'spin casinon tapauksessa, meni jonkin aikaa ja sitten ihan vahingossa katsoin että onpa jonkin moi täällä Jessica, you remember viestin näköinen E-mail ja painoin sitä, siellä luki että Dear mr. or mrs. Marko jne ja että heillä on 2000€ mun rahoja, pyysi lähettämään normaali paperit ja rahat tulivat tilille. Ajattelin että se Casino kusetus kuului kuitenkin isompaan ketjuun ja eihän kukaan olisi pelannut niillä casinoilla. Mutta tosiaan loppu hyvin jne.
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