Boa noite, Ao longo de 15-20 dias, depositei aproximadamente 950€ neste cassino. Devido à situação difícil em que me encontrava, perdi o controle. O problema não é só isso; o problema é que nunca recebi nenhum bônus por si só, sem ter que comprá-lo. Cada giro que fiz parecia inútil, parecia que o jogo estava apenas engolindo meu dinheiro. Nunca experimentei nada parecido em outros cassinos; normalmente posso perder 500, mas ganhar de volta 450 e aproveitar a jogabilidade. Os golpistas do Leon, no entanto, são imbatíveis. Eu compraria bônus de 20€ devido às regulamentações gregas e receberia de volta apenas 1,5 ou menos de 1 euro, com dificuldade. Algo pode ser feito sobre isso?
Good evening, Over the course of 15-20 days, I have deposited approximately 950€ in this casino. Due to the difficult situation I found myself in, I lost control. The issue isn't just that; the problem is that I never received any bonus on its own, without having to purchase it. Every spin I made felt worthless, it seemed like the game was just swallowing my money. I've never experienced anything like this in other casinos; typically I might lose 500 but win back 450 and enjoy the gameplay. The scammers at Leon, though, are unbeatable. I would buy 20€ bonuses due to Greek regulations and would only get back 1.5 or less than 1 euro, with difficulty. Can anything be done about this?
Καλησπέρα,έχω κάνει κατάθεσης σε διάρκεια 15-20 ημερών περίπου 950€ στο καζίνο αυτό,λόγο δυσκολίας της θέσης μου ξέφυγα,το θέμα δεν είναι εκεί,το θέμα είναι ότι ποτέ δεν έδωσε κάποιο μπόνους από μόνο του, χωρίς να το αγοράσω, και ότι spin έκανα χτιζόταν για το τίποτε,είδα απλά να καταπίνει τα λεφτά μου,δεν το έχω ξαναδεί αυτό σε άλλα καζίνο είμαι ίσα ίσα μπορεί να χάσω 500 αλλά παίρνω πίσω τα 450 και εχω χαρεί παιχνίδι,οι απατεώνες τις leon όμως δεν παίζονται αγόραζα 20€ μπόνους λόγο νομοθεσίας της Ελλάδας και έπαιρνα 1.5 η κάτω από 1 ευρό πίσω με το ζορυ ,μπορεί να γίνει κάτι γιαυτό;
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