Caro Michal e equipe do Casino Guru,
O valor do bônus vencedor foi calculado corretamente. De acordo com as regras desta promoção:
2.5. Os ganhos máximos do fundo de bônus são limitados a 2 vezes o valor do bônus recebido.
(2.5 Os ganhos máximos do fundo de bônus são limitados a 2 vezes o valor do bônus recebido.)
Como o bônus recebido pelo jogador é igual ao seu depósito inicial de 100 EUR, o pagamento do bônus não pode exceder 2 vezes esse valor, ou seja, 200 EUR.
As regras da promoção são fornecidas aos jogadores na interface como um link clicável.
Responsável pela Conformidade Leon

Dear Michal and Casino Guru team,
The winning bonus amount has been calculated correctly. According to the rules of this promotion:
2.5. Maximum winnings from the bonus fund are limited to 2 times the bonus amount received.
(2.5 Maximum winnings from the bonus fund are limited to 2 times the amount of the bonus received.)
Since the bonus received by the player is equal to their initial deposit of 100 EUR, the bonus payout cannot exceed 2 times this amount, ie 200 EUR.
The rules of the promotion are provided to players in the interface as a clickable link.
Best regards,
Leon Compliance Officer

Dear Michal and Casino Guru team,
The winning bonus amount has been calculated correctly. According to the rules of this promotion:
2.5. Τα μέγιστα κέρδη από το ταμείο μπόνους περιορίζονται στο 2 φορές το ποσό του μπόνους που λαμβάνεται.
(2.5 Maximum winnings from the bonus fund are limited to 2 times the amount of the bonus received.)
Since the bonus received by the player is equal to their initial deposit of 100 EUR, the bonus payout cannot exceed 2 times this amount, i.e. 200 EUR.
The rules of the promotion are provided to players in the interface as a clickable link.
Best regards,
Leon Compliance Officer

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