Registrei-me no casino acima mencionado há alguns dias e fiz depósitos via Skrill.
Solicitei um levantamento de 1500 euros.
Depois de um dia, cancelei e solicitei 1.000 euros.
Recebi um e-mail informando que o saque foi realizado com sucesso e neste momento não preciso enviar nenhum documento.
Porém, depois de um dia, pediram-me para apresentar uma grande quantidade de documentos, o que eu fiz. Eu senti como se eles estivessem me incomodando, como se não quisessem processar a retirada.
Independentemente disso, eles me informaram que eu estava totalmente identificado.
Mais uma vez procedi a um levantamento de 1000 euros e cancelaram novamente.
Após contínuos pedidos de saque e cancelamentos, eles me enviaram um e-mail informando que tenho uma conta duplicada.
Respondi-lhes afirmando que não me lembro se já tinha uma no passado e perguntei-lhes, se realmente tinha uma conta, porque é que me permitiram registar-me novamente, permitir depósitos e até chegar ao ponto de me identificar.
A resposta deles foi boa e que eu deveria prosseguir com a retirada novamente.
Eu fiz e novamente, eles cancelaram.
Isso já aconteceu mais de 6 vezes.
Por favor, comunique-se com eles. Acredito que eles estão tentando evitar pagar o dinheiro.
No entanto, eles ficaram mais do que felizes em aceitar meus depósitos.
I registered with the above-mentioned casino a few days ago and made deposits via Skrill.
I requested a withdrawal of 1500 euros.
After a day, I cancelled it and then requested 1000 euros.
I received an email informing me that the withdrawal was successful and at this moment, I do not need to submit any documents.
However, after a day, they asked me to produce a large amount of documents, which I did. I felt as if they were giving me a hard time, like they didn't want to process the withdrawal.
Regardless, they informed me that I was fully identified.
I once again proceeded with a withdrawal for 1000 euros and they cancelled it yet again.
After continuous withdrawal requests and cancellations, they sent me an email saying that I have a duplicate account.
I replied to them stating I don't remember if I had one in the past and asked them, if I indeed had an account, why they allowed me to register again, allow deposits and even go as far as to identify me.
Their response was OK and that I should proceed with the withdrawal again.
I did and again, they cancelled it.
This has happened more than 6 times.
Please communicate with them. I believe they are trying to avoid paying the money.
However, they were more than happy to accept my deposits.
Thank you
Γεια σας
Εκανα εγγραφή στο παραπανω καζινο πριν λιγες μερες και εκανα καταθεσεις μεσω skrill.
Ζητησα αναληψη 1500 ευρω .
Μετα απο μια μερα την ακυρωσα και ζήτησα μετα 1000 ευρω.
Μου στειλανε εμαιλ οτι η αναληψη ηταν επιτυχής και προς το παρον δεν χρειαζεται να στειλω εγγραφα.
Μετα απο μια μερα μου ζητησανε ενα σωρο εγγραφα και τα εστειλα ολα . Ενιωθα οτι με παιδευανε σαν να μην ήθελαν να προχωρήσουν στην αναληψη.
Τελος παντων μου στειλανε οτι ταυτοποιηθηκα πληρως.
Προβαινω παλι στην αναληψη 1000 ευρω και ξανα μου την ακυρωνουν.
Μετα απο συνεχη αιτηματα αναληψης και ακυρωσης μου στειλανε εμαιλ οτι εχω διπλο λογ/σμο .
Τους απαντησα οτι δεν θυμαμαι αν ειχα στο παρελθον και τους ρωτησα , αν ειχα λογ/σμο γιατι μου επετρεψαν να εγγραφω ξανα , γιατι μου επετρεψαν να κανω καταθεσεις και γιατι με ταυτοποιησαν.
Μου απαντησαν οτι ΟΚ και να προβω εκ νεου στην αναληψη.
Προεβηκα και ξανα μου την ακυρωσαν.
Αυτο εχει γινει πανω απο 6 φορες.
Παρακαλώ επικοινωνηστε μαζι τους . Θεωρω οτι προσπαθουν να μην δωσουν τα χρηματα.
Τις καταθεσεις ομως τις πηρανε ευχαριστως.
Ευχαριστώ που
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