Tenho um problema sério com meu saque. Fiz meu primeiro depósito em 27/01/2025 e, duas horas depois, solicitei um saque de 339, que continua pendente até hoje.
Além disso, eu estava jogando Blackjack ao vivo e, durante uma rodada, meus ganhos foram retidos (eu informei você imediatamente com o número do histórico de transações via chat ao vivo). Até hoje, nem o saque foi processado, nem minha solicitação sobre os ganhos retidos no Blackjack ao vivo foi resolvida, para que o dinheiro fosse devolvido.
Além disso, após solicitar o saque, solicitei verificação e me disseram que não era necessário. 

I have a serious problem with my withdrawal. I made my first deposit on 27/01/2025, and two hours later, I requested a withdrawal of 339, which is still pending to this day.
Additionally, I was playing live Blackjack, and during one round, my winnings were withheld (I informed you immediately with the transaction history number via live chat). To this day, neither the withdrawal has been processed, nor has my request regarding the withheld winnings in live Blackjack been resolved, to have the money returned.
Furthermore, after requesting the withdrawal, I asked for verification, and I was told it was not necessary.

Γεια σας
Έχω σοβαρό πρόβλημα με την ανάληψη μου . Έκανα την πρώτη μου κατάθεση στις 27/1/2025 και μετά από δύο ώρες έκανα ανάληψη 339 η οποία είναι εκκρεμή μέχρι σήμερα.
Επίσης έπαιζα στα live black Jack και σε έναν γύρο μου έκανε παρακράτηση τα κέρδη (ενημέρωσα άμεσα με αριθμό
Ιστορικού μεσο του live chat) μέχρι σήμερα ούτε ανάληψη έγινε . Ούτε ξεκαθάρισε το αίτημα μου για τα κέρδη στο live black Jack να επιστρέψουν τα λεφτά.
Επιπρόσθετα έχω να πω από την στιγμή που έκανα την ανάληψη ζήτησα να κάνω επαλήθευση και μου είπαν πως δεν χρειάζεται.

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