O jogador da Grécia teve seus ganhos em apostas esportivas anulados. Rejeitamos esta reclamação por se tratar de apostas esportivas.
Boa noite, fiz 2 apostas no jogo Maiorca - Girona no Stoiximan no dia 30/01/2021. Ao intervalo um com 50 euros no ás e 194 euros em directo em 91 'por um golo num contra-ataque do Maiorca. Afirma que joguei a aposta depois de o golo ter sido marcado enquanto estava na empresa, quanto tempo demora a bloquear uma aposta antes de a colocar? Joguei nos últimos segundos da década de 90, e demorou 3-4 segundos antes de ser colocado. Então, depois de alguns segundos (cerca de 3 a 4), o gol veio e a opção de aposta foi bloqueada.
Por que eu acho que fui injustiçado nesse assunto? Normalmente colocava a aposta de 194 euros, se o golo se perdesse ou se anulasse (porque vi que o árbitro procurava impedimento, se vejam a fase), ou seja, agora que foram ganhos 1067 euros, ele não me pagou mas se ele cancelasse o gol, eu perderia meu dinheiro, certo?
É muito ruim o que eles fazem e usam como desculpa a regra 1.14.1 (Aposta ao vivo que temos motivos para acreditar que é jogada depois que o resultado de um evento já é conhecido, ou o participante ou time selecionado ganhou uma vantagem comparativa ( por exemplo, uma pontuação, uma demissão para a outra equipe, etc.), nos reservamos o direito de cancelar a aposta, seja ela ganha ou perdida.)
Tenho fotos que a aposta foi jogada normalmente ao vivo aos 91 ', a imagem que é ganha, o saque que você pediu para ser feito depois da partida já que esse dinheiro entrou na minha conta e que no dia seguinte (!!!) eles tiraram saiu como uma aposta cancelada com então eu quero!
Pedi-lhes que devolvessem a minha aposta porque joguei normalmente e a empresa alega que foi cancelada porque sabia que o resultado tinha avançado (como saber algo assim quando a opção de aposta é bloqueada quando é marcado um golo
Posso enviar as fotos que mencionei, bem como a conversa com o departamento deles, dizendo a mesma coisa que a resposta. Regra 1.14.1
Por favor ajude-me se puder já que o lucro é de 1067 euros e não posso deixar assim obviamente. O que posso fazer, já que a empresa não me dá nenhuma prova de que sua regra diz "temos motivos para acreditar" e não me cobre? A aposta foi jogada normalmente, o sistema deles aceitou e eles se recusam a me pagar! Isso é impensável ...
Também mais tarde com seu departamento há a resposta específica
Obrigado pelo seu email. Gostaríamos de informar que seu cartão foi amplamente verificado. Especificamente, você colocou seu tíquete quando o cronômetro marcava 91:02 na partida e, naquele momento, um segundo antes do gol ser marcado. O mercado não deveria estar disponível naquele momento, foi inadvertido e, portanto, a meta foi cancelada. Pedimos desculpas novamente por qualquer inconveniente.
Além disso, é sua a decisão de como se mover e você não concorda com o que é válido.
À sua disposição para quaisquer informações e esclarecimentos adicionais.
Porém, achei o vídeo da partida e o gol está marcado a 91,05 !!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9XWYe8KyNg&feature=emb_err_woyt (no link está o momento do gol que vemos claramente que às 91,02 a bola está no centro onde aceitaram a minha aposta.
Essa foi a resposta deles.
Obrigado pelo seu email. Informamos que o cancelamento não foi feito por um segundo, pois houve uma fase que foi para os gols, os mercados não deveriam abrir nesses segundos. Quando ocorre uma fase agressiva, os mercados fecham por alguns segundos e, inadvertidamente, permanecem abertos. Não podemos responder em relação a outros cenários hipotéticos, pois por mais que o cartão tenha sido colocado após o gol ter sido marcado, seu cartão teria sido cancelado novamente porque você teria apostado com o resultado errado.
Em essência, eles me dizem que a aposta que veio em 91,02 deveria ter sido bloqueada, mas o que é minha culpa que 3 segundos depois o gol entrou e eu joguei normalmente.
Minha resposta para eles
Bem, eu vi que o gol veio em 91,05 no vídeo e, como você afirma, a aposta foi feita em 91,02. Eu havia pressionado o botão alguns segundos antes. Portanto, o que você disse não é verdade quando fiz a aposta cerca de 4 a 5 segundos antes do gol. Qual é minha culpa por você não bloqueá-lo? Apostei normalmente no contra-ataque, normalmente levantando 194 euros com a condição não só de ganhar mas também de perder. Você está errado neste caso.
Como a aposta foi feita em 91,02, alguma fase ainda não ocorreu no vídeo se você assistir, mas a bola ainda está no centro. Quantas mais mentiras você vai me dizer para não pagar a aposta?
Infelizmente não vejo nenhuma vantagem e contatei a EEEP, a Malta Gaming Commission e a eCogra.
Para ver se será encontrada uma solução para o meu problema ...
Good evening, I played 2 bets on the match Mallorca - Girona at stoiximan on 30/1/2021. At halftime one with 50 euros in the ace and a live 194 euros in 91 'for a match goal in a Mallorca counterattack. Do you claim that I played the bet after the goal was scored while in the company how long does it take to lock a bet before placing it? I played it in the last seconds of the 90's, and it took 3-4 seconds before it was placed. Then, after a few seconds (about 3 to 4) the goal came in and the betting option was blocked.
Why do I think I was wronged in the matter? I normally placed the bet of 194 euros, if the goal was lost or canceled (because I saw that the referee looked for offside, if you see the phase), that is, now that 1067 euros were won, he did not pay me but if he canceled the goal, I would I lost my money, right?
It is very bad what they do and use as an excuse the rule 1.14.1 (Live bet which we have reason to believe is played after the result of an event is already known, or the selected participant or team has gained a comparative advantage (e.g. x. a scoring, a dismissal for the other team, etc.), we reserve the right to cancel the bet, whether it is won or lost.)
I have pictures that the bet was played normally live at 91 ', the image that is won, the withdrawal that you asked to be made after the match since this money entered my account and that then the next day (!!!) they took it out as a canceled bet with so i want!
I asked them to return my bet since I played it normally and the company claims that it was canceled because I knew that the score had gone ahead (how to know something like that when the betting option is blocked when a goal is scored
I can send you the pictures I mentioned to you as well as the conversation with their department, saying the same thing as the answer. Rule 1.14.1
Please help me if you can since the profit is 1067 euros and I can not leave it like that obviously. What can I do since the company does not give me any proof that as their rule says "we have reason to believe" and it does not cover me? The bet was played normally, their system took it and they refuse to pay me! This is unthinkable…
Also later with their department there is the specific answer
Thank you for your email. We would like to inform you that your card has been extensively checked. Specifically, you placed your ticket when the timer showed 91:02 in the match and at that time, a second before the goal was scored. The market should not have been available at that time, it was inadvertent and therefore the goal was canceled. We apologize again for any inconvenience.
Beyond that, it is your decision how to move and you do not agree with what is valid.
At your disposal for any additional information and clarification.
However, I found the video of the match and the goal is scored at 91.05 !!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9XWYe8KyNg&feature=emb_err_woyt (in the link is the moment of the goal that we see clearly that at 91.02 the ball is in the center where they accepted my bet.
That was their answer.
Thank you for your email. We would like to inform you that the cancellation was not made for a second, since there was a phase that went to the goals, the markets should not be open during those seconds. When an aggressive phase occurs, the markets close for a few seconds and inadvertently remain open. We can not answer regarding other hypothetical scenarios, since however the card was placed after the goal was scored, your card would have been canceled again as you would have bet it with the wrong score.
In essence, they tell me that the bet that came in at 91.02 should have been blocked, but what is my fault that 3 seconds later the goal came in and I played it normally.
My answer to them
Well, I saw that the goal came in at 91.05 in the video and as you claim the bet was placed at 91.02. I had pressed the button a few seconds before. So what you say is not true when I placed the bet was about 4 to 5 seconds before the goal. What's my fault you didn't block it? I placed the bet normally on the counterattack, normally raising 194 euros on the condition not only to win but also to lose. You are wrong in this case.
Since the bet was placed at 91.02, some phase has not yet taken place in the video if you watch it, but the ball is still in the center. How many more lies will you tell me not to pay the bet?
Unfortunately I do not see any edge and I have contacted the EEEP, Malta Gaming Commission and eCogra.
To see if a solution will be found to my problem ...
Καλησπερα σας, επαιξα 2 στοιχηματα στο ματς Μαγιορκα – Χιρονα στην εταιρια stoiximan στις 30/1/2021. Στο ημιχρονο ένα με 50 ευρω στον ασσο και ένα λαιβ 194 ευρω στο 91’ για ένα γκολ αγωνα σε μια αντεπιθεση της Μαγιορκα. Ισχυριζontai ότι επαιξα το στοίχημα αφου μπηκε το γκολ ενώ στην εταιρια ποση ωρα κανει να κλειδωσει ένα στοίχημα πριν την τοποθετηση του? Εγω το επαιξα στα τελευταια δευτερολεπτα του 90, και πηρε 3-4 δευτερολεπτα πριν τοποθετηθεί. Υστερα, μετα από καποια δευτερόλεπτα (περιπου 3 με 4) μπηκε το γκολ και εφραξε η επιλογή στοιχηματισμου.
Γιατι πιστευω πως με αδικήσαne στο θεμα? Εγω εβαλα κανονικα το πονταρισμα των 194 ευρω, εάν χανοταν η ακυρωνοταν το γκολ ( γιατι ειδα ότι ο διαιτητης κοιταξε για οφσάιντ,εάν δειτε την φαση) , δηλαδή τωρα που κερδιθηκαν 1067 ευρω, δεν μου τα πληρωνε αλλα εάν ακυρωνε το γκολ , εγω θα εχανα τα χρηματα μου,σωστα?
Είναι πολύ κακο αυτό που κανoυν και χρησιμοποιουν ως δικαιολογια τον κανονα 1.14.1 (Live στοίχημα για το οποίο έχουμε λόγο να πιστεύουμε ότι παίζεται αφότου το αποτέλεσμα ενός γεγονότος είναι ήδη γνωστό, ή ο επιλεγμένος συμμετέχοντας ή ομάδα έχει κερδίσει ένα συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα (π.χ. ένα σκοράρισμα, μια αποβολή για την άλλη ομάδα κτλ.), διατηρούμε το δικαίωμα να ακυρώσουμε το στοίχημα, είτε είναι κερδισμένο ή χαμένο.)
Εχω εικονες που το στοίχημα παιξτηκε κανονικα στο live στο 91’ , την εικονα που είναι κερδισμενο, την αναληψη που ζητησας να γινει μετα το ματς εφόσον μπηκαν αυτά τα χρηματα στο λογαριασμο μου και ότι υστερα την επομενη ημερα(!!!) μου το βγαλανε ως ακυρωμενο στοίχημα με το ετσι θελω!
Τους παρακαλουσα να μου επιστραφει το στοίχημα μιας και το επαιξα κανονικότατα και η εταιρια ισχυρίζεται ότι ακυρωθηκε επειδή γνωριζα εγω ότι ειχε παει μπροστα το σκορ (πως να γνωρίζω κατι τετοιο όταν φραζει η επιλογή στοιχηματισμου όταν μπαινει καποιο γκολ
Μπορω να σας στειλω τις εικονες που σας ανεφερα όπως και την συνομιλια με το αρμοδιο τμημα τους,λεγοντας παρολα αυτά το ιδιο και το ιδιο ως απαντηση. Κανονας 1.14.1
Σας παρακαλω πολύ βοηθήστε με εάν μπορειτε μιας και το κερδος είναι 1067 ευρω και δεν μπορω να το αφήσω ετσι προφανως. Τι μπορω να κανω μιας και η εταιρια δεν μου δινει καποιες αποδειξεις για ότι όπως λεει ο κανονας τους «εχουμε λογο να πιστεύουμε» και δεν με καλυπτει αυτό? Το στοίχημα παιχτηκε κανονικα,το πηρε το συστημα τους και αρνουνται να με πληρωσουν! Είναι αδιανοητο αυτό…
Επισης αργοτερα με το τμημα τους υπαρχει η συγκεκριμενη απαντηση
Σε ευχαριστούμε για το email σου. Θα θέλαμε να σε ενημερώσουμε πως έχει γίνει εκτενής έλεγχος του δελτίου σου. Συγκεκριμένα το δελτίο σου το τοποθέτησες όταν το χρονόμετρο έδειχνε 91:02 στον αγώνα και εκεινη την ώρα, ενα δευτερολεπτο πριν είχε μπει το γκολ. Η αγορά δεν επρεπε να ειναι διαθεσιμη εκεινη τη στιγμή, ήταν εκ παραδρομής και για αυτο ακυρώθηκε το γκολ. Απολογούμαστε και πάλι για τυχόν αναστάτωση.
Από εκεί και πέρα , ειναι δική σου απόφαση πως θα κινηθείς και δε συμφωνείς με αυτό που ισχύει.
Στη διάθεσή σου για οποιαδήποτε πρόσθετη πληροφορία και διευκρίνιση.
Να ομως που βρηκα το βιντεο του αγωνα και το γκολ σκοραρεται στο 91.05 !!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9XWYe8KyNg&feature=emb_err_woyt (στο λινκ ειναι η στιγμη του γκολ που βλεπουμε ξεκαθαρα οτι στο 91.02 η μπαλα ειναι στο κεντρο οπου και δεχτηκαν το στοιχημα μου.
Η απαντηση τους ηταν αυτη.
Σε ευχαριστούμε για το email σου. Θα θέλαμε να σε ενημερώσουμε πως δεν έγινε για ένα δευτερόλεπτο η ακύρωση, εφόσον υπήρχε φαση που πηγαινε προς γκολ οι αγορες δεν επρεπε να ειναι ανοιχτές εκείνα τα δευτερόλεπτα. Οταν γινεται μια επιθετική φαση κλεινουν οι αγορες για λιγα δευτερολεπτα και εκ παραδρομης έμειναν ανοιχτες. Δε μπορούμε να απαντήσουμε αναφορικα με άλλα υποθετικά σενάρια, εφόσον ωστόσο το δελτιο τοποθετηθηκε αφου μπηκε το γκολ θα ειχε ακυρωθει παλι το δελτιο σου καθως θα το ειχες ποντάρει με λάθος σκορ.
Στην ουσια μου λενε οτι το στοιχημα που μπηκε στο 91.02 επρεπε να το ειχαν φραξει αλλα τι φταιω εγω που 3 δευτερολεπτα μετα μπηκε το γκολ και το επαιξα κανονικα.
Η απαντηση μου προς αυτους
Ωραία, εγώ είδα πως το γκολ μπήκε στο 91.05 στο βίντεο και όπως ισχυρίζεστε το στοίχημα τοποθετήθηκε στο 91.02. Εγώ το είχα πατήσει το κουμπί μερικά δευτερόλεπτα πριν. Άρα δεν ισχύει αυτό που λέτε γτ όταν τοποθέτησα το στοίχημα ήταν περίπου 4 με 5 δευτερόλεπτα πριν το γκολ. Τι φταίω εγώ που δε το φραξατε; εγώ τοποθέτησα το στοίχημα κανονικά στην αντεπίθεση, ροσκαροντας κανονικά τα 194 ευρώ με την προϋπόθεση όχι μόνο να κερδίσω αλλά και να χάσω. Έχετε αδικο σε αυτήν την περίπτωση.
Εφοσον κιόλας το στοίχημα τοποθετήθηκε στο 91.02, δεν έχει γίνει κάποια φάση ακόμα στο βίντεο άμα το δείτε, αλλά η μπάλα είναι ακόμα στο κέντρο. Πόσα ψέματα ακόμα θα μου πείτε για να μην πληρωθεί το στοίχημα;
Δυστυχως δεν βλεπω να βγαζω καποια ακρη και εχω επικοινωνησει με την ΕΕΕΠ,Malta Gaming Comission και eCogra.
Για να δουμε εαν θα βρεθει λυση στο προβλημα μου...
Caro Λεωνιδας,
Muito obrigado por enviar sua reclamação. Como você deve saber, nosso fórum Casino.Guru lida apenas com reclamações relacionadas a cassinos online. Eu entendo que deve ser difícil para você, mas, infelizmente, não temos conhecimento suficiente para lidar com esse tipo de problema, relacionado a apostas esportivas. Posso entrar em contato com o cassino em seu nome e tentar obter mais informações, mas, ao mesmo tempo, serei forçado a rejeitar sua reclamação. Se for conveniente para você, podemos continuar nossa comunicação por e-mail. Meu endereço de e-mail é petronela.k@casino.guru . Por favor, me diga como você gostaria de proceder.
Muito obrigado por sua compreensão.
Dear Λεωνιδας,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. As you might know, our forum Casino.Guru, deals with the complaints regarding online casinos only. I understand it must be difficult for you, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue, related to a sports betting. I can contact the casino on your behalf and try to get some more information, but at the same time, I will be forced to reject your complaint. If it is convenient for you, we can continue our communication through emails. My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.
Thank you very much for your understanding.
Best regards,
Posso entrar em contato com o cassino em seu nome e tentar obter mais informações, mas, ao mesmo tempo, serei forçado a rejeitar sua reclamação. Se for conveniente para você, podemos continuar nossa comunicação por e-mail. Por favor, me diga como você gostaria de proceder. Eu realmente sinto muito por não poder ajudar mais.
I can contact the casino on your behalf and try to get some more information, but at the same time, I will be forced to reject your complaint. If it is convenient for you, we can continue our communication through emails. Please let me know how you would like to proceed. I'm truly sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Muito obrigado, Λεωνιδας, pelo seu e-mail. Como você confirmou que o problema está puramente relacionado a apostas esportivas, não poderemos ajudá-lo.
Lamento sinceramente por não termos facilitado a resolução deste caso, mas por favor, não hesite em nos contatar se tiver qualquer problema com qualquer outro cassino no futuro. Como mencionei anteriormente, uma vez que ainda não temos um ramo que lida com apostas esportivas e insights suficientes para enfrentar esse tipo de disputa ou julgá-la adequadamente, somos forçados a rejeitar sua reclamação no final. Eu realmente gostaria de ter mais ajuda.
Entrei em contato com o cassino solicitando mais informações e continuarei nossa comunicação por e-mail.
Thank you very much, Λεωνιδας, for your email. Since you have confirmed that the issue is purely related to sports betting, I’m afraid we won’t be able to help you.
I’m truly sorry we couldn’t facilitate resolving this case, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with any other casino in the future. As I mentioned earlier, since we don’t have a branch dealing with sports betting yet and enough insight to take on this kind of dispute or judge it appropriately, we are forced to reject your complaint at the end. I really wish I were of more help.
I contacted the casino requesting more information and will continue our communication via emails.
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