Olá, registrei-me no Zoom Casino há mais de 2 meses e fiz vários depósitos nas semanas seguintes. O Zoom Casino me envia regularmente ofertas de bônus. No dia 25 de setembro depositei 300€ com um bônus de 100%. Ganhei com ele e pude apostar o bônus. Solicitei um pagamento de 3.000 € e fui solicitado a enviar meus documentos para verificação. Enviei todos os documentos para o casino e foram aceites.
Após vários dias de silêncio, descobri que minha conta estava bloqueada. Perguntei ao Zoom Casino porque é que a minha conta foi bloqueada e o chat ao vivo disse que era uma decisão administrativa e final. Perguntei à minha gerente de conta por e-mail e ela deu o seguinte motivo:
Se o jogador for suspeito de ações fraudulentas ou entrar em falência no seu país de residência, a Empresa reserva-se o direito de encerrar essa Conta de Jogador e suspender e/ou cancelar todos os pagamentos ao jogador. Esta decisão fica a critério exclusivo da Empresa e o jogador não será notificado ou informado sobre os motivos de tais ações.
Tentei várias vezes entrar em contato com o cassino e explicar que nada disso se aplica a mim, mas não houve mais reações. Eles estão se recusando a reembolsar meus ganhos e meus depósitos. Muitas vezes depositei no Zoom Casino e quando finalmente ganho algo, eles tentam me enganar.
Joguei com um bónus de depósito e apostei 2€ num jogo que não era proibido.
Por favor me ajude, Guru do Cassino
Hello, I registered at Zoom Casino over 2 months ago and made several deposits in the ensuing weeks. Zoom Casino regularly sent me bonus offers. On September 25, I deposited 300€ with a 100% bonus. I won with it and was able to wager the bonus. I requested a payout of 3000€ and was asked to send my documents for verification. I sent all the documents to the casino and they were accepted.
After several days of silence, I discovered that my account was locked. I asked Zoom Casino why my account was locked and the live chat said it was an administrative decision and it is final. I asked my account manager via email and she gave this as the reason:
If the player is suspected of fraudulent actions or becomes a bankrupt in their country of residence, the Company reserves the right to terminate such Player Account and suspend and/or cancel all payouts to the player. This decision is at the sole discretion of the Company and the player will not be notified or informed about the reasons for such actions.
I have tried multiple times to contact the casino and explain that none of this applies to me but there are no reactions anymore. They are refusing to refund both my winnings and my deposits. I have often deposited at Zoom Casino and when I finally win something they try to cheat me.
I played with a deposit bonus and bet 2€ in a game that was not forbidden.
Please help me, Casino Guru
Hallo ich habe mich vor über 2 Monaten bei Zoom Casino angemeldet und in den folgenden Wochen mehrere Einzahlungen getätigt. Zoom Casino sendete mir regelmäßig Bonusangebote. Am 25.09. zahlte ich 300€ mit 100% Bonus ein. Ich habe damit gewonnen und konnte den Bonus umsetzen. Ich forderte 3000€ zur Auszahlung an und wurde aufgefordert meine Dokumente zur Verifizierung zu senden. Ich habe dem Casino alle Dokumente gesendet und sie wurden auch akzeptiert.
Nach mehreren Tagen Funkstille musste ich feststellen dass mein Account gesperrt wurde. Ich frage Zoom Casino wieso mein Account gesperrt wurde und der live Chat sagte Administrator Entscheidung und es ist endgültig. Ich fragte mein Account Managerin per Email und sie sagte folgendes als Begründung:
If the player is suspected of fraudulent actions or becomes a bankrupt in the country of their residence, the Company reserves the right to terminate such Player Account and suspend and/or cancel all payouts to the player. This decision is at the sole discretion of the Company and the player will not be notified or informed about the reasons of such actions.
Ich habe mehrfach versucht mit dem Casino Kontakt aufzunehmen und erklärt das nichts davon auf mich zutrifft aber es kommen keine Reaktionen mehr. Sie weigern sich sowohl meine Gewinne als auch meine Einzahlungen zu erstatten. Ich habe oft bei Zoome Casino eingezahlt und wenn ich endlich Mal was Gewinne wird versucht mich zu betrügen.
Ich habe mit Einzahlungsbonus gespielt und auf 2€ Einsatz gedreht in einem Spiel das nicht verboten war.
Bitte helfen Sie mir Casino Guru
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