FórumDiscussão das ReclamaçõesQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (página 160)

há 11 meses por kirekin
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I had the same issue as you. They refuse to refund they just ignore all emails.

Editado pelo autor há 2 meses
Postado por carsix79 foi apagado
há 2 meses

A construção dos casinos online proibidos é tão difícil de compreender que demorará uma eternidade a compreendê-la completamente.

Começa com a fundação e termina com o processamento do pagamento; os fundos passam por tantas mãos diferentes que no final você nem sabe quem realmente é o dono do dinheiro.

É por isso que os operadores de casino não se importam com as leis

Editado pelo autor há 2 meses
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há 2 meses

Wow this peice of work is actually the owner of my date and grotbooks look at company house it looks like he is also behind helpersm*AP as my bank has gave me details of where every transaction has come from grotbooks and mydate him I am just trying to find helpersm registered in Edinburgh I have ewave and platinum also

há 2 meses

Jodd, who do you bank with? What person owns grotobook and my dates also? Do you have contaxt details for ewave and platinum my friend?

há 2 meses

DUBROVS, Mihails it's on company house under mydates it's also registered as grotbook he is also registered as cleverprix but with different first name D. O. B same registered on company house also. if you type into either Google or duckduck go. I bank with Santander I am having issues finding ewave and platinum ewave are coming out of Stratsbourg and the platinum London. My bank is asking for all sorts of information documentation, interaction with these companies ect ect it's like hitting head against a brick wall I have sent emails to them no response it looks like I am fighting a losing battle

Editado pelo autor há 2 meses
há 2 meses

Yes I hear you. I am the same. Someone found ewave but they never responded as to the contact details. Platinum i may have the email. Do you have a email address? If you want to post it quick maybe we can keep in touch and try work things out together

há 2 meses

Let me know if you find the company behind helpersm AP! I have grotobooks and Destream. Grotto has replied but to no avail, I’ve asked for receipts, order confirmations, anything and they refuse. In their policy, it says you can get a refund if you request it within 7 days so I requested a refund and they stopped replying….shocker. I’ve filed chargebacks with my bank which were denied because I don’t have any receipts/invoices/order confirmations, but how is it my responsibility if they refuse to answer my emails or provide these documents? It should have stronger grounds for a chargeback rather than being denied. I’ve since escalated the issue and hoping they can resolve it but it isn’t looking good without any invoices.

há 2 meses

Request a SARS from them any data they hold on you as transactions where made through them they need to keep a record for I think up to 2 years for data protection . Also refusal to provide this information is a breach of the Data protection laws as the buissness is registered in the UK you want full access to transactions and purchases

há 2 meses

sorry don't be offended but I am not comfortable giving my personal email address out on a forum.

Postado por Dt100 foi apagado
há 2 meses

Have you had luck requesting SAR from these companies? Feel like they would ignore it like every other email I’ve sent

há 2 meses

I had trouble with mydates and grotobook also. Failure to provide receipts etc. But if you keep trying and speaking to them and keep insisting you have received no goods from them then the bank will use that as evidence. Failure to comply. By law you have to have receipts for everything

há 2 meses

Yes they’ve stopped replying sadly. However I can’t get the bank to investigate without the receipts so I’m out of luck. It’s been escalated higher after a phone call so hopefully they’ll understand. Doesn’t make sense to me that they cannot progress a chargeback without a receipt because the merchant refuses to provide receipts…wild

Editado pelo autor há 2 meses
há 2 meses

I'm going to phone my bank. I did send them a big email a while back and they were interested but they kept calling me while in work. I will do it again over the next few days and see what I can do. Even if it leads to closure of my bank and I get my money then I'm happy. Problem is being a gambler I've had 1 payout and I ended up losing alot. Its a horrible addiction

há 2 meses

I feel you brother. I was about 1000 days clean before relapsing this last couple weeks. My fault but when casinos can bypass the safety features in place by using shell companies, is it really fair?

há 2 meses

Got it

há 2 meses

I know bro! Its horrible isn't it. I had 7grand in my bank 6 weeks ago now I have 200. I'm hoping I can get by this month or the partner will be asking questions! Horrible stuff. Its the guilt and self worth. S**ts horrible! If you need any advice or want to try work through some sites together let me know my email is above.

há 2 meses

I have just put in for mine 😊 Any company in UK that you have any interaction with that holds any data on you must by law give it to you up on request. My son deals with all this sort of stuff so he keeps me savy lol.I think also the bank is partly to blame and should have extra security messures I had international blocks on my account and gambling blocks but bank still allowed payments to go through as international payments even though they where UK companies that's how they miscoded and got around it

há 2 meses

Sending a hug 🤗

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