Dia 16 e ainda não recebi meu dinheiro. Em e-mails e chat ao vivo, uma mentira atrás da outra.
Eles me disseram que meu banco cancelou os saques (enquanto me garantiam que meus saques estavam em fase final de aprovação).
Eles me dizem que eu mesmo os cancelei (não tenho acesso à minha conta porque fui banido)
Eles me disseram que eles mesmos cancelaram e refizeram para serem feitos manualmente (não sei o que isso significa). Para serem feitos manualmente, eles me pediram para dar a eles os detalhes do IBAN e assim por diante.
Day 16 and I still haven't received my money. In emails and live chat, one lie after another.
They tell me that my bank canceled the withdrawals (while they were assuring me that my withdrawals were in the final stages of approval).
They tell me that I canceled them myself (I don't have access to my account because I've been banned)
They tell me that they have canceled them themselves and they have re-done them to be done manually (I don't know what that means). In order to be done manually they have asked me to give them IBAN details and so on.
16η ημέρα και ακόμα δεν έχω πάρει τα χρήματα μου. Στα μέιλ και στο λάιβ τσατ το ένα ψέμα μετά το άλλο.
Μου λένε ότι η δική μου τράπεζα ακύρωσε τις αναλήψεις (ενώ τοσο καιρό με διαβεβαίωναν ότι οι αναλήψεις μου είναι στα τελικά στάδια έγκρισης) .
Μου λένε ότι εγώ ο ίδιος τις ακύρωσα ( δεν έχω πρόσβαση στο λογαριασμό μου γιατί μου το έχουν απαγορεύσει)
Μου λένε ότι τις έχουνε ακυρώσει αυτοί οι ίδιοι και τις ξαναέκαναν αυτοί για να γίνουν χειροκίνητα (δεν ξέρω τι σημαίνει αυτό) . Για να γίνουν χειροκίνητα μου έχουν ζητήσει να τους δώσω στοιχεία iban και τα λοιπά.