CasaFórumJogo responsávelLimites de um casino

Limites de um casino

 por sylviabezerradacruz
2.201 visualizações 8 respostas |

Boa noite. É p seguinte no ice casino já há 4 dias apercebi me que já não existe o link 'jogo responsável " onde costumo impor limites pk senão não me controlo. Avisei o casino que ia fechar a conta pk não tinha mais os limites para eu poder parar. Eles responderam que havia sim ect. E enviei comprovativo que não havia. Avisei que fecharia a conta caso não pudesse impor limites e auto excluir me como faço sempre. Deixaram de responder e acabei por jogar um valor absurdo de mais de 1400 /1500 eur so no dia de hoje. Como me podem ajudar!? Vou enviar print da app do casino onde já não há a opção limites de jogo. E támben as conversas com o casino. Obrigada file

fileaqui estao os 2 itens que mostram que na app já não existe 'jogo responsável "



this is a serious matter and I'd like to thank you for posting your concerns. Even though I do not appreciate the casino responses you described, I think the most important thing is to set the limits alternatively or close your account if the limits are no longer an option. So, may I know whether your account has been closed due to gambling addiction, please?

If you struggle with that, please ask the support how to best close your account due to the aforementioned gambling issues and follow the instructions to the letter, please. I am truly sorry to say that, but only the casino employees can close our account. We are merely a forum.

Surely let me know how the situation has progressed, and if you face delay with the closure, peraps considering a complaint might help. Are you familiar with our Complaint Center?

I'll wait for an update.

Bom dia já emiti uma reclamação pelo vosso site.. O casino não me fechou a conta. Estou a aguardar desde sexta feira e continuo a jogar. Já vai 1800 eur que gastei.

A conta continua aberta e não dá para fechar ou impor limites. Dizem que vao responder em vários dias após eu lhes ter dito que se não posso impor limites então que me fecham a conta

Aqui estão alguns dos Mail que enviei e a resposta filefilefile


Hello there.

I went through your complaint to get familiar with the case.

I am sorry that this casino doesn't have the option to set your limits, which is surely very helpful in any case.

Unfortunately, though, you didn't state the reason for closing your account, as because of gambling issue. Only in these cases, when a player clearly writes this kind of reason, the casino must do everything to close the account right away, and if they are not able to do so, they need to pay all the deposits back. Which happened in many cases.

Let's not go ahead though, and wait for your complaint to move forward and reach its resolution.

If it helps you in any way, please know that as part of our Global Self-Exclusion Initiative, we've partnered with BetBlocker, a UK-registered charity providing a free service to support people worldwide. You can find more information about our initiative here ( and about BetBlocker here (

BetBlocker, which supports seven languages, is quick and easy to install on multiple devices, taking just 2 minutes. Once installed, it blocks access to over 84,230 gambling websites and runs quietly in the background. The service can be used anonymously and helps individuals manage their access to gambling safely and appropriately, whether that means complete restriction or limiting access during vulnerable periods. 

Additionally, BetBlocker includes a list of 824 gambling information sites. These sites primarily inform users about and advertise gambling services. You can choose to include these sites in your restriction by ticking a box. However, if you have an ongoing complaint against a gambling operator, do not check this box, as it will prevent you from accessing the Casino.Guru website as well.

Bom dia eu escrevi um motivo claro que se não houvesse limites impostos eu não iria jogar pk certamente e pela lógica será por ter um vício! Se eu peço a um casino para me fechar a minha conta por esse motivo tem que fechar imediatamente pk foi p meu pedido. Obrigada na mesma por nada.

Vejo que não vai servir para nada.


I can see that your complaint was rejected because, unfortunately, we couldn't be of more help.

Petronela explained there: "As I mentioned in my previous response, since you never formally requested the closure of your account, there is unfortunately no basis for a refund of your lost funds. Once again, I strongly encourage you to contact the casino directly and inform them of your gambling issue to prevent further losses in the future."

We are really sorry about the whole situation and believe that it would be for the best to state clearly the reason for closure of the account, so the casino can act accordingly, and any future misunderstandings can be avoided.

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