Bom dia, tenho dois saques de 500 euros cada de 28 de dezembro, e o dinheiro ainda não foi depositado. Entrei em contato com o suporte ao cliente; nenhuma verificação é necessária e eles apenas me dizem para ter paciência. Esses não são ganhos de dinheiro de bônus ou giros, e tenho as capturas de tela necessárias para apoiar meu caso.
Good morning, I have two withdrawals of 500 euros each from December 28th, and the money still hasn't been deposited. I have contacted customer support; no verification is needed and they just tell me to be patient. These are not winnings from bonus money or spins, and I have the necessary screenshots to support my case.
Καλημέρα σας έχω 2 αναλήψεις των 500 ευρώ από 28/12 ακόμα δεν έχουν βάλει τα λεφτά. Έχω επικοινωνήσει με την εξυπηρέτηση πελατών δεν χρειάζεται κάποια ταυτοποίηση και απλά μου λένε κάντε υπομονή . Δεν είναι κέρδη από χρήματα μπόνους η περιστροφές έχω τα απαραίτητα screenshot για να υποστηρίξω την περιπτωση
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