Esse processo já dura há pelo menos dez dias. Aceitaram comprovante de endereço enquanto eu tinha enviado três vezes, rejeitaram duas vezes e agora aceitaram, a mesma coisa que estamos falando. Para entender de que situação estamos falando. E a carteira de identidade foi aceita. Não aceitaram meu cartão e estão me pedindo extratos bancários em arquivo pdf dos últimos três meses, aqui eles mandam exatamente o que querem e não aceitam, então o que devo enviar? Tudo isso é feito, repito, para ultrapassar o prazo que tenho para liquidar minha conta, que acho que é de 30 dias, para que possam cancelar meu saque. Está claro . Você me pede alguma coisa, eu mando para você e digo: não quero isso, então quão ridículo é isso? Você pode me ajudar a conseguir meu saque? Não falo com eles, ficam falando a mesma coisa, mandei um e-mail com reclamação, já se passaram de 6 a 7 dias e nem obtive resposta.
This process has been going on for at least ten days. They have accepted proof of address while I had sent it three times, they rejected it twice and now they accepted it, the same thing we are talking about. To understand what situation we are talking about. And the identity card was accepted. They didn't accept my card and they are asking me for bank account statements in a pdf file of the last three months, here they send exactly what they want and they don't accept it, so what should I send? All this is done, I say again, to pass the time limit I have to settle my account, which I think is 30 days, so that they can cancel my withdrawal. It's clear . You ask me for something, I send it to you and say, I don't want this, so how ridiculous is it? Can you help me get my withdrawal? I don't talk to them, they keep saying the same thing, I sent them an email with a complaint, it's been 6-7 days and I didn't even get a response.
Εδώ και δέκα μέρες τουλάχιστον είναι αυτή η διαδικασία . Έχουν αποδεχτεί αποδεικτικό διεύθυνσης ενώ το είχα στείλει τρεις φορές το ίδιο το είχαν απορρίψει δύο φορές και τώρα το δέχτηκαν το ίδιο μιλάμε . Για να καταλάβετε για τι κατάσταση μιλάμε . Και την ταυτότητα δέχτηκαν . Δεν δέχτηκαν την κάρτα μου και μου ζητάνε κινήσεις λογαριασμού τραπέζης σε αρχείο pdf τριών τελευταίων μηνών το εδώ στείλει ακριβώς αυτό που θέλουν και δεν το δέχονται δηλαδή τι να στείλω ? Όλα αυτά γίνονται το ξαναλέω για να περάσει το χρονικό όριο που έχω για να διευθέτηση τον λογαριασμό κου νομίζω 30 μέρες είναι ώστε να μου ακυρώσουν την ανάληψη . Είναι ξεκάθαρο . Μου ζητάς κάτι στο στέλνω και λε α δεν θέλω αυτό Μ δηλαδή πόσο κοροϊδία πια ? Εσείς μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να πάρω την ανάληψη μου ? Δεν μιλάω ποια με αυτούς όλο τα ίδια και τα ίδια λένε τους έστειλα mail με παράπονο έχει 6-7 μέρες ούτε απάντηση πήρα .
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