No geral, minha experiência é muito boa, fiz alguns depósitos e encontrei todos os jogos e provedores que me interessam e até mais. Os retornos são muito bons no geral e estou me divertindo.
Meu problema é que quando chegou a hora de fazer meu primeiro saque, tentei verificar no site e houve um problema para confirmar minha residência, enquanto tentei com um extrato eletrônico de 2 contas diferentes que tenho, com um certificado de residência permanente validado pelo meu país e com um documento de declaração de imposto de renda, ele falhou em me verificar, resultando em muitas tentativas não me deixando tentar novamente, enviei todas as evidências necessárias para o e-mail do cassino e atualmente estou esperando uma resposta. Em todos os outros cassinos que me pediram verificação, 1 documento deles foi o suficiente para a conclusão. Não tenho problemas, desde que minha verificação seja concluída, mas o aplicativo de verificação no site é ruim e demora sem motivo.
Overall my experience is pretty good, I've made some deposits and I've found all the games and providers that interest me and even more. The returns are very good overall and I'm having a good time.
My issue is that when it came time to make my first withdrawal I tried to verify on the website and there was a problem confirming my residence, while I tried with an e-statement from 2 different accounts that I have, with a certificate of permanent residence validated by my country and with a tax return document, it failed to verify me, resulting in many attempts not letting me try again, I sent all the necessary evidence to the casino's e-mail and I am currently waiting for a response. In all the other casinos that asked me for verification, 1 document of them was enough for completion. I have no problem as long as my verification is completed, but the verification application on the website is bad and takes time for no reason.
Γενικά η εμπειρία μου είναι αρκετά καλή έχω κάνει κάποιες καταθέσεις και έχω βρει όλα τα παιχνίδια και παρόχους που με ενδιαφέρουν και ακόμα περισσότερους.Οι επιστροφές είναι πολύ καλές σαν σύνολο και περνάω καλά.
Το θέμα μου είναι ότι όταν ήρθε η ώρα να κάνω την πρώτη μου ανάληψη προσπάθησα να κάνω επαλήθευση στην ιστοσελίδα και παρουσιάστηκε πρόβλημα στην επιβεβαίωση την κατοικίας μου , ενώ προσπάθησα με e-statement από 2 διαφορετικούς λογαριασμούς που έχω ,με βεβαίωση μόνιμης κατοικίας επικυρωμένο από την χώρα μου και με έγγραφο φορολογικής δήλωσης δεν κατάφερε να με επαλήθευσει με αποτέλεσμα από τις πολλές προσπάθειες να μην με αφήνει να ξανά προσπαθήσω , έστειλα όλα τα απαραίτητα αποδεικτικά στο eMail του καζίνο και αυτή την στιγμή περιμένω απάντηση. Σε όλα τα άλλα καζίνο που μου ζητήθηκε επαλήθευση το 1 έγγραφο από αυτά αρκούσε για την ολοκλήρωση. Δεν έχω πρόβλημα εφόσον ολοκληρωθεί η επαλήθευση μου αλλά η εφαρμογή επαλήθευσης σην ιστοσελίδα είναι κακιά και χρονοτριβεί χωρίς λόγο.